Are Posters Here Getting A Bit Thin Skinned?

by rem 62 Replies latest jw friends

  • Reborn2002

    Original question before flames ensued:

    Are posters here getting a bit thin-skinned?

    Nah. The board has ups and downs of arguments and people taking offense to comments. Nothing different now then when I joined almost two years ago.

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    We're all hypocrits in some way. Some behaviour we dispise, we still in engage in. I doubt you could find a one of us that didn't engage in some behavior that we find totally distasteful. I know I have, with the gossip.

    But, it doesn't mean we don't recognize it and try to fix it. Hypocrisy means that you are STILL engaging in the behavior and talking down bad about it at the same time. It's kind of like when Dr. Laura, the queen of morals, found out that her "bad" portraits of her in the nude and posing in pretty compromising positions, was al over the internet. At first she tried to say it wasn't her. But it was. She just finally said that it was her, but that was back when she was a "bad girl." I didn't like that she denied it at first..but she was really embarassed. But she finally admitted it was her, and that she WASNT a hypocite because she had changed her views since that time. She's right.

    Being a hypocrite means that you KNOW that the behavior that you are doing is totally contrary to what you know. It doesn't mean past corrected behavior. It means that you know that that behavior is wrong and you don't do it anymore.

    That's what bugs me about people using the world: judging. Everyone judges everything every day. OUr whole Society relies on people making judgments. Like.. if you are walking in a bad neighborhood, and youknow it, you've made a judgement. You say to yourself that it is MOST LIKELY that something bad is going to happen just by judging the neighborhood's record. Another thing: you make judgements every day when you look at the price of one soup against the other. The PROBLEM IS: if you make a CONVICTION of the person, which you have no right to do, only God can do that,

    country girl

  • SixofNine
    ...but boy I got one for that ****


    Simon, seriously, people like this are not safe.

  • teenyuck

    KGB, I did not call names. I pushed your buttons:

    This button was about GW. You hate him and anything about him was a hot button.

    That is the thread. Your first insult was out of the blue.

    More on Bush, said by me:

    Yeah, what Ravyn said, except for paying to see Bill and Hillary (Puke and Choke)

    Deal with some reality folks:

    All politicians Lie. That is how they get into office. All politicians. All countries.

    We, the R & F, have to deal with it.

    Bitch, moan, complain, whatever.

    It is just amazing the hate that spews from people who used to be JWs.

    Everyone who is saying GW is a baby killing war-monger should look into the mirror and repeat "I am a Pussy. If I were the Commander in Chief of the USA, I would kick the shit out of any country that messed with mine. If I refused to kick the shit out of any and all countries that threaten mine (real or imagined), I should be ousted from the presidency. WHY? Because I would be a PUSSY."

    Bunch of blanket hugging babies....

    And this:
    Guys, guys, guys.

    You all have been in power for what, 7000 years that someone put down on a tablet?

    How many of those years have gone without war, somewhere on the planet?

    I am being much more of a realist than either of you.

    As long as men have testicles, men will fight. Why do you think they casterate dogs and cattle and horses? For Rocky Mountain Oysters?!

    No, dummy, to take down the aggression level.

    How many women have been involved in starting or carrying on wars? And I am not talking about the gals in the 'hood who fight over a guy. I am talking all out, fight for land or liberty?

    Not too many, huh?

    As long as men have balls, men will fight. As long as men feel *disrespected* by someone else, men will fight. As long as men can push someone weaker over, men will fight. When man gets a taste of victory and likes it, he takes on the bigger guy. And maybe, kicks his ass. Ask Napoleon.

    We will never have Paradise here--Until Women are in Control.

    And KGB responded:

    you are a disgrace not only to this country but to human kind and your post make me very sick to my stomach, someone who says the things you say about men but it is men who protect your world. You say one thing about the men in this world and then in the same breathe you dis mantle everything about them. So tell me are you really twisted or do you just like to act that way. You need to get a grip girl on some reality.

    My response:
    KGB, try some Pepto, it will help.


    Are you inbreed with a skunk or do you just like to look like one? hahahahaha


    Apology accepted.

    I have been called many things, but an inbred skunk and a lesbian are new. I'll share those with my husband.

    I am a hater of all things that remind me of the WTBTS. When I read these threads, written by men and women who have never fought in a playground fight let alone a real battle field, I get....annoyed and for some strange reason, their logic sounds like the elders on the platform. My sarcastic, point out the flaws side comes out. (The few veterans of this board, men and women, are to be applauded. I appreciate the military. You and people who serve today are protecting our lives.)

    Listening to people condemn our country for everything is annoying.

    My references to balls and certain posters lack thereof, is to point out that they were raised as JWs. They were raised as pacifists. They were taught no fighting, turn the other cheek, etc.

    In the real world, that does not work. Countries are always going to be fighting with other countries. Wishing that all war would go away is silly. You might as well go back to the KH and wait for armageddon. It is not going to happen. Countries have to agree to play nice. They do until someone in the sandbox throws his scoop at someone else and a fight breaks out. It seems to be a recurring cycle; from Cain and Abel to now.

    Do you notice how few women post on these threads? Has it ever occured to you or any other man for that matter, why women just don't get into the war and fighting stuff like you do? Why are there no stories of women in the bible fighting?

    So, the basis for a relationship, based upon my not hating GW and KGB hating him. I did start a thread on Rocky Mountain Oysters which really seemed to get under KGBs skin also. Which led him to believe I was a man hating, ball eating (only bulls, I swear!) lesbian, cross bred, skunk. Politics makes strange bedfellows on a religious board, huh?
  • dubla


    teenyuck beat me to the punch, as i was just reviewing the threads you are both speaking of (and which you claim show that she provoked you first). she did leave out your first post to her (as far as i could tell), which was in response to her "blanket hugging babbies" comment. up to this point, she had not addressed you personally, at all....not once (again, as far as i could tell, correct me if im wrong by providing links). here was your first comment to her:


    Let me ask you one thing have you given your life to your country? Probably not. Have I ? Probably yes ! I am a veteran there little lady so dont call me a blanket holding baby.. I didn`t die for my country but I did give the opportunity to do so. So don`t tell me how wonderful you are until you do what I did.

    And about atrocities, you say give them to you everyday ? So you want to kill babies too, You know I always said it takes a sick prick to support a sick prick so I guess you are who you are and who you want to be. I never once spoke on Saddams behalf as I said earlier that he is a cruel man but his cruelty has been known for many and I say many long before Dessert Storm probably long before any of you were even born so why now 35 years later do people make the excuse. No I can`t be so absent minded like you who are so easily fooled.

    and on the other thread, you again addressed her first, unprovoked. you really need to examine yourself if you truly believe you only "resorted" to name-calling after she started something.

    i know this isnt even my battle, but it always amuses me when i see someone posting absurd accusations......and i had few minutes of free time to kill.


  • Euphemism
    Hey no biggy, we're all just christians trying to do our best here, Lord willin' and our beliefs don't change


    *sigh* You know, this was an interesting discussion before it got buried under a pile of sh*t. It's one thing to advocate open debates about ideas. It's another thing to have a page-and-a-half of ad hominems.

    Is there any way that we could get the thread split, and all the sh*t shovelled over into the Adult/Debates forum? Although I think it should be called the Childish/Debates forum...

  • Simon

    A couple of points:

    I don't think re-hashing old disagreements of who said what and who started it does anyone much good.

    If people do come out with insults or anything that contravenes the posting guidelines then let us know.

    I really can't stress that last bit enough. Remember, over 30,000+ posts a month is over 1,000 a day. Even if it was my full time job to read every post, in 8 hours I would have to be checking about 1 every 30 seconds !!

    So, don't get all uptight that I've missed something or think that if you see something like this, it means that it's suddenly allowed. It isn't.

    Politics is a tricky subject and people can be very insulting of others opinions. I don't think there is much need.

  • pettygrudger
    pettygrudger topic just waiting for flames, and only one smoldering ash at this point.....must be all the "heavies" aren't around for this little smorgesboard.

    Logan you said

    are in the least way being questioned by superior minds

    What exactly makes a "superior" mind in your opinion? I'd be interested in your response. Minds "under-developed" in what way? Book smarts? There's alot more to life than "book smarts" and being able to understand Einstein.

    As far as "thin" or "thick" skinned - shouldn't be necessary if anyone actually paid attention in Kindergarten where basic rules of respect of others were taught to EVERYBODY - not just JW's.

    I have no problem with someone "disagreeing" with me - I have a BIG problem when someone relates their disagreement with me as an opportunity to make themselves feel "superior" by pointing out how "stupid" I am. Calling names, down right rude comments are completely uncalled for. As if anyone didn't know that. If people can't see the difference, then our school systems and especially the parents are completely lacking in teaching some basic human rules of conducts. Actually, from what I understand, "intellectually superior" persons tend to be very lacking in the emotional I.Q. department, and can't seem to understand how their behaviors, comments or actions might upset other people.

    There is no body language on these boards to discern a writer's intent, which is 95% of human language. This has been pointed out umpteen times on this board. People (including myself) should take this into consideration before hitting the "submit" button.

  • Englishman
    Remember, over 30,000+ posts a month is over 1,000 a day. Even if it was my full time job to read every post, in 8 hours I would have to be checking about 1 every 30 seconds !!

    Umm, Simon, I counted 5 mods at the barbie, so that now means you have to make up the backlog and check a post every 12 seconds.

    So get weaving!


  • rem

    I think one of the problems is that people falsely accuse 'superior ones' (this label, I believe, is due to a lack of self esteem on their own part) of calling them names. The word idiot was used on this thread. I know for a fact that on the Ghost thread that all this started on the word 'idiot' was not used by me. Stick to the facts. Some people get so emotional about their opinions or ideas being criticized that they tend to hyperbolize every word.


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