I try to remember this quote:
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."
-Eleanor Roosevelt
After so many years of verbal abuse from my family (and in the WTS), this is the only way I can deal with it.
by rem 62 Replies latest jw friends
I try to remember this quote:
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."
-Eleanor Roosevelt
After so many years of verbal abuse from my family (and in the WTS), this is the only way I can deal with it.
I don't think re-hashing old disagreements of who said what and who started it does anyone much good.
If people do come out with insults or anything that contravenes the posting guidelines then let us know.
i dont think this was about rehashing old arguments, or trying to blow the whistle on some insults.......in fact this thread is really just a discussion stemming from another thread:
in that thread, kgb flew off the handle at rem for his comments, implying they were outrageous and insulting. heres one quote from kgb:yeah it was going pretty good but some people like Rem and logansrun seem to always get there nasty mouths in it. If there were two people here I would like to see kicked off this board it would be those two. It is interesting to hear different views from all walks of life and you try to have a nice peaceful discussion and some doof screws it up.
so, this probably (im guessing) led rem to ask the question "are posters...getting a bit thin skinned"? (its a valid question after reading through that thread). in response to that question, kgb comes on this thread with a holier than thou statement about not wanting to be called an idiot, and how name calling is childish. to me, it is completely relevant, in this situation, to show kgbs past patterns of insulting behavior.......just my two cents. this whole offshoot of the topic is apparently just a pile of s**t that needs shoveling anyhow, so this will be my last log on the subject.
That is the thread. Your first insult was out of the blue.
More on Bush, said by me:
Yeah, what Ravyn said, except for paying to see Bill and Hillary (Puke and Choke)*Italics mine Just a pet peeve of mine that I would like to mention. Balls=strength Pussy=weakness As for this topic, the more things change, they more they stay the same. There just seems to be MORE of it these days. Andee Leather and lace (skinned that is) classDeal with some reality folks:
All politicians Lie. That is how they get into office. All politicians. All countries.
We, the R & F, have to deal with it.
Bitch, moan, complain, whatever.
It is just amazing the hate that spews from people who used to be JWs.
Everyone who is saying GW is a baby killing war-monger should look into the mirror and repeat "I am a Pussy*. If I were the Commander in Chief of the USA, I would kick the shit out of any country that messed with mine. If I refused to kick the shit out of any and all countries that threaten mine (real or imagined), I should be ousted from the presidency. WHY? Because I would be a PUSSY*."
Bunch of blanket hugging babies....
Country Girl,
Like.. if you are walking in a bad neighborhood, and youknow it, you've made a judgement. You say to yourself that it is MOST LIKELY that something bad is going to happen just by judging the neighborhood's record.
This almost happened to me a few weeks ago. I work third, and keep the same sleep/wake cycle when I'm off work. So I was walking at 2:30 AM one morning (we don't have any really bad areas here I'm aware of) and came close to being hassled by two younger guys. Had I not gone out, it couldn't have happened.
So along with your quote above, I'd've had to take some blame for what did happen. Anyone would have to if they were in the area (unless it was avoidable in some way and they still chose to go there).
My fault, not the neighborhood's.
I don't really understand what your point is supposed to be but your quote is a good example of the sort of insulting language that people use.
Everyone who does not support G.W. is not a pussy (ie. weak) and people will likely resent being told they are. It is such a poor argument that I wonder why anyone would bother making it.
It is an example of the sort of things people have said in the past (even stronger) and when people have said similar things back they have upped and left because of it. Happy to label and insult others but ever so sensitive if people do it to them.
I think we can live without these kinds of statements and over-generalisations.
Are posters here getting a bit thin-skinned?
What's it to you big nose?
Ah, I don't know. Boards go through phases, and typical is the 'you're a mammal' phase.
This is when people complain about someone saying 'ah, but you do this', when they do the same.
We all play the 'you're a mammal' game though, to one extent or the other.
Are Posters Here Getting A Bit Thin Skinned?
Yeah, you're all a bunch of pussies.
Yeah, you're all a bunch of pussies.
Wasn't he on the Sopranos?
Logan you said
are in the least way being questioned by superior mindsWhat exactly makes a "superior" mind in your opinion? I'd be interested in your response. Minds "under-developed" in what way? Book smarts? There's alot more to life than "book smarts" and being able to understand Einstein.
Well, by "superior minds" I meant anyone of the Germanic race, of course.
Just kidding . Seriously, that sentence could certainly be taken to mean something I did not intend, therefore I will extrapolate.
Some minds, because of both "nature" and "nurture", are superior to others in certain areas. I emphasize in certain areas. In the context of this thread I am refferring to logic, general intelligence and critical thinking ability. As you pointed out, there are many other aspects to life that are as, if not, more important than "smarts." I would rather be of average intelligence and a kind and moral person than a morally underdeveloped genius.
There are countless people that I consider my intellectual superiors, something that everyone on the planet could say. To put my mind next to a Stephen Hawking would be like comparing a mouse to an elephant. That doesn't make me morally inferior, nor is it a barometer for my over-all worth. But, in the area of science, mathematics and critical thinking (and doubtless many other things) Hawking would blow me away.
I recognize too that there are different types of intelligences. I like to pride myself on being a very critical thinker and analyzer. On the other hand, I have virtually no artistic ability whatsoever. I'm sure we could get into a discussion of "right brain versus left brain" thinking, but that would be outside the scope of this post.
To sum up: my "superior minds" comment -- oh, it could have been worded differently! -- was refferring to the subject at hand: logic, critical thinking, science and common sense. There is more to life than that, though.
Hope this cleared things up.
Thanks Bradley - you had my blood boiling there for a minute as one who does not consider herself to be of a "superior mind", but a great deal of common sense. (that was a joke - I was not offended).
But, it does prove a certain point - someone could have taken offense at a comment like this, feeling that the poster was taking a "superior" or "arrogant" stance, and then begin the slippery slope down to name calling and degradation of an otherwise interesting discussion. I see this alot in threads - people post something where the meaning could be taken as an insult. Someone posts a "response" they have to "prove" themselves, or knock the original poster off their pedestal. The original poster, now also offended, has to "one up" etc. etc. etc.
The best way to avert these mis-communications is imho to ASK! By calling out & asking for an explanation of what appears to be an insultive intent post. or an arrogant one, the original poster has the opportunity to clarify, before they become the "evil" villian, and someone to take to task.
Not that I'd ever take Bradley to task - he's just too cute! and a sweetie to boot!