Brother Kavelin injured in Santa Monica?

by NikL 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • primitivegenius

    i know we should be ashamed, people died and that is horrible.... guess it comes with the irreverence that alot of us have now. my appologies for being a jerk about that.......... sorry yall and more sorry for those who lost friends and family in that accident


    If I am forced to be serious....WHAT THE HELL TRAGEDY HIT THE WITLESS PROGRAM?? One old guy got his legs broken. How is that a tragedy for the Borg? The worldlies lost 10 of their own (our own). I feel for those families and the old guy who ran them down...his punsihment will last til he dies. And we've all heard enough talks after natural disasters where we are encouraged to pray for our brothers and sisters...NOTHING ABOUT THE WORLDLIES usually. We all hate to see hurt and death but in the whole picture it is hardly a "tragedy" for the Witless ones.


  • cruzanheart

    I am very sorry for the Witness and everyone else who got hurt or killed in this accident. This is not a religious event -- this is a human tragedy that steps over any boundaries of prejudice for any particular group. The Witnesses are callous about those not their own and mock when things happen to "worldly" people -- I like to think that now that we are out we can do better than that and look at all people, Witnesses or not, as the same human beings deserving of sympathy and kindness.

    I am also very sorry for the driver, who has to live with what he has done. I know he didn't mean it -- he is 86 years old (or thereabouts) and his reflexes and reaction time just ain't what they used to be. I watched my parents get into that same state, and it was really scary watching them drive. I would very much like to see some kind of law passed that requires mandatory testing for people over a certain age (62? 65?) for just this reason. The older ones keep thinking nothing is wrong with them and are scared to lose their independence. Their children are hesitant to step in because they don't want to make waves. This is one area where the government could do something useful.


  • Brummie

    I'm glad none of my JW family where in that terrible accident, it would have been absolutely numbing to see anyone make light of it.


  • Prisca

    Good points Nina.

    Shame on you that have made light of a man (regardless of his religion) who has had both his legs broken due to no fault of his own. Can you imagine how painful that would be? And I get the impression from the email that he is an older man, so that makes his situation even worse.

    My heart goes out to all of those injured or killed in this tragedy.

    BONEZZ make sense. My irreverant attitude was meant for the Borg powers that may put their own unique spin on this terrible happening. I feel bad for all the people involved in this accident, including the old brother who got his legs broken. But we all know from past experience that THEY can and will manipulate events to work in their favor with no mention or only lip service paid to the worldlies. Afterall, now those dead worldlies will have a chance for resurrection.


  • searchfothetruth

    He should be disfellowshipped for being legless in public.

  • plmkrzy

    It was a horrible thing that happened and it effected so many lives. If one of us posted that a member of our family was a victim in that tragedy would that be funny as well?

    I don't know what to make of the jokes except that maybe the further away one is from it, the less real it is? I don't know.

  • lawrence

    Some of you have become so hardened and mean spirited only proving what life has taught me, "often, the persecuted become more vicious than the persecutor." Few ever learn LOVE on this planet.


    Shame on you that have made light of a man

    I'm glad none of my JW family where in that terrible accident, it would have been absolutely numbing to see anyone make light of it.

    People! Read the bleeping posts! Not one post has "made light" of the tragedy or any of the people involved.(with the exception of maybe searchforthetruth). Save your sanctimonious outrage for when it is needed. All of the posts have poked irreverance at the Borg and how they will treat this accident and the "brother" who was unlucky...uhh unfortunate to be there. With the exception of maybe S.f.t.T. and it seems to me that even that statement is about how the WTBS treats victims....SO READ THE POSTS BEFORE YOU ACCUSE.


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