Now's the time for me to go...

by Abaddon 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • cruzanheart

    Yeah, wednesday, I'd like to see you try to promote a nudie beach in St. Louis! Mexico might be an easier sell.

    Have fun, Abaddon! I love the South of France. My parents and I, back in 1973, drove from Milan to Barcelona, all along the Riviera, and it was the most beautiful experience. We stayed in Perpignan for a night, if I remember correctly. Then we drove from Barcelona to Paris.

    Somehow that sounds a little more romantic than a road trip to San Antonio, but one must make do!

    Post pics! (Though you might want to get your girlfriend's permission first . . . .)


  • freein89

    Have fun and get me a present and how come people go to "the south of france"? How come I don't go to the south of anything? I may go to southern somewhere, but never the south OF anywhere. So you have to be rich and well traveled to go to the south of someplace? Maybe you have to be well versed in the classics or perhaps philosophy. Do you need a masters or a PHD? Do I need a visa to get to the south of someplace? will a passport work? Do you have to get shots from the Doctor?


  • Tinkerbell4125

    Abandon, have fun!!! CC say's it's beautiful there, I've never been. We just got back from Newport RI. It was nice! Love that fresh seafood!

  • pettygrudger

    Have a great time Abbadon - sounds like a lot of fun!!!

    P.S. Did your mother not tell you that watching your girlfriend's bum turn brown was also a bad thing???? naughty boy!

  • GentlyFeral

    Mazel tov! Reminds me of the opening chapter of Robert Heinlein's Glory Road, set in the same area. Let's see, you'll have Delilah with you, so you won't need a copy of the book, which has a similar goddess with "magnificent poitrine" in it. But you might want to read it after you get back, when the lack of south-of-France-ness becomes annoying.

    gently feral

  • gumby

    You can't leave for a bit. There are some nutty bastards on the forum now, you need to take care of before you go.

    Well....if you must go........can ya get some before and after pictures of your girlfriends "bum" ( I think that means butt......and not the front)

    Beware on the nudie beaches. I walked (fully clothed) across one in Hawaii and saw so many dingers floppin in the wind, and girls with hairy armpits. Please tell me your not going to go nude too. I'll never be able to look at you the same again

    Have a great time and don't get too crazy!


  • outnfree
    Well the warm sea does anyway .

    Define "warm," qwerty!

    Abanddon (),

    Never been to Perpignon, but have been to Cannes and points west, including Monaco. First time I ever went topless, but only out at sea on the raft -- too embarrassed to let the guys I was with see. Beaulieu-sur-Mer was the name of the town. What nice memories your post has brought back!

    Bonnes vacances!


  • onacruse

    Abaddon, I see you're back tell us all about the vacation, eh?

    Pics, pics, we want pics!

    Craig (of the "has some pics of his own he has to get done" class)

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Nudity, nudity it's only flesh everyone. Have a an enjoyable time and remember it's only flesh.

    Guest 77

  • reporter

    Nice to see someone supporting the French economy!

    I'll try to put away by nutty-bastard-ness until you return...

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