OK Jour; When you grabbed my comment in the box I thought it was. And if Saddam invaded the U.S. would I be bitter? Yep. Because the facts would be turned around. Even as is in reality I don't expect Iraqi's to embrace the U.S. or it's values. It's two different worlds. And, we abandoned them in the past to many times.
The USA is hypocritical, IMO.
No argument from me.
the US does not help other countries in need when humanitarian efforts call for it.We do but often for the wrong reasons. We negotiate with scum for "votes" in the U.N. cheap labor, or whatever we want. We pretend to spread democracy. That is so evil. The U.S. is the superpower and we are to blame for that. It's why I don't respect the U.N. or that part of the USA.