This happened in the mid 80's at a circuit assembly in Wisconsin. The "brothers" decided they had the solution to the long lines for the ladies room. They went in there and covered the mirrors with brown paper. Yup, we stood in line for 45 minutes with 2 or 3 squirming kids doing the pee pee dance, then we finally got into the hot, smelly crowded ladies room and went straight to the mirrors to primp and preen for a couple hours.
But seriously, they covered the mirrors, the all knowing brothers just knew the vanity of simple minded women who need a "head" to govern them was the cause of the long lines. I will never forget my outrage, but even worse I will never forget my outrage at the "sister" who had the nerve to remove this loving provision of the "brothers" who were trying to curb our vanity.
The sister pushed her way through and tore down the paper and I was angry at her nerve to disrespect the brothers, in reality I was probably mad because I didn't have the nerve. What a sheep I was.