In "The Full Monty" the women pee standing up at the men's urinals.
Maybe I should forward the idea to Brooklyn?
by freein89 47 Replies latest jw friends
In "The Full Monty" the women pee standing up at the men's urinals.
Maybe I should forward the idea to Brooklyn?
At the assemblies I attended the mens rooms were given to the sisters. In some places there was one or two left for the males and there would be lines (even at the sinks).
LMAO! I remember the brown paper on the mirrors too. I wondered how the sisters would know if their dresses are stuck in the back of their pantyhose? It didn't help the lines, all it did was cause all these poor women to spin around like little dogs chasing their tails, trying to see their backsides to make sure everything was decent.
In fact they should install EXTRA mirrors so all the little teenagers can make sure their mascara doesn't run in the oppressive "turn off the A/C and save some money" heat.
Apparently two practices were more standard than we thought:
(1) Using some of the men's rooms as ladies' rooms in an attempt to even things out,
(2) Brown paper bags over the mirrors in the ladies' rooms.
Chelbie's take on point #2: Hey the assembly is the only place where "sisters" would get the chance to meet possible mates, so those mirrors were needed so they could look decent and have a decent chance to attract those guys they saw in the convention halls! Brown paper bags? They got ripped down "by accident" at a convention she attended too!
They turned the a/c off in the ladies' room at the assemblies? Huh. That's funny. The men's restrooms were colder than meat lockers.
TJ, perhaps that was to prevent the guys from "comparing" each other, LOL!
Hah! Is that really the reason for the brown paper over the mirror? How completely pathetic!
i was one of the sisters who would remove a corner from the brown paper and just go ahead and fix whatever i needed to. I've had sisters who wer outraged, but i din't give a rats arse.
blondie wrote:
Men just have to go in whip it out, pee, flick it, and whip it back in
I feel so marginalized; any personal style I have developed at this has been so totally disregarded by that comment.
By the way, one small shake is sufficient, brothers; other brothers are standing in line and of course, more than one shake could lead to improper thoughts!
I remember one assembly about a hundred years ago that I attended in the company of my 'worldly' cousin. when we finally got into the stinking hot filthy restroom and she saw the paper covering the mirrors she immediately ripped it off. one sister was shocked and told her she could not do that! she asked why and the sister stumbled out something about the brothers saying 'worldly' cousin looked her right in the eye and said F THEM! there was a moment of shocked silence---not even the sound of tinkling from the stalls--and then the sister started to laugh and tore down the rest of it! Some older sister walked up and said WAIT! and we knew we were in for it and then she wiinked at us all and showed us how to take it off without ripping it so we could put it back up if someone came in from maintenance...
That was only in one restroom and the next day they were back up. however, by the end of the whole assembly they made an announcement from the stage about writing 'graffiti' on the paper and I did not dare look at my "worldly" cousin who was smirking next to me.
Now you want to hear SEXIST? In southern California in the 1980's when I was an EMT for the city of Los Angeles, I volunteered for First Aid one year(the first and last time i ever did that). I was told that I could not start CPR on anyone until the brother who was my supervisor gave me permission to do so. This brother who supervised me was 86 yrs old and had never so much as been a Boy Scout. I calmly told the brother who so instructed me, that I would not jeopardise my license or reputation for the sake of such administrative nonsense and that if he did nt like it, then I would definitely not start CPR on HIM until I was given the OK. He explained to me that the reason I had to wait for the brother's ok was because brothers had more Holy Spirit than sisters did. I told him that he could ask Holy Spirit to volunteer next time.