We are not "obsessed" with anything.
No Jayson, I am not obsessive with this issue
by Yerusalyim 117 Replies latest social current
We are not "obsessed" with anything.
No Jayson, I am not obsessive with this issue
Reborn I wanted to say thanks for that graphic intensive post. I mean why do a link when you can dominate the time it takes to load a thread, right?
Reborn I wanted to say thanks for that graphic intensive post. I mean why do a link when you can dominate the time it takes to load a thread, right?
Your one to talk when you post a never ending array of propaganda as fed through the eyes of a right-wing extremist as seen in your embedded articles on page 37 of the WOMD thread, found here:
Don't speak to me or address me unless you have something useful to say. You can claim now that you have been spoken to that your above comment was in jest, but I perceived it as a backhanded slight.
Have a nice day.
I think, Simon, that what many right-wingers, such as myself, perceive as coming from the left is a resistance to the idea of war - as long as the man promoting it is a Republican, a conservative, or religious. Face it, the left hates Bush, spreads lies about him (like the IQ thing? a hoax!), and seeks to undermine his authority. I don't mind that so much. It's politics as usual, and means that things are working fine. But what I do hate is when we all get lumped together as oil-grubbing racists.
That's why we get our defenses up.
Now that the excitement of the moment is over, it is interesting to get a different perspective on the rebuilding of Iraq, such as from soldiers actually on the ground over there.
Of course, the media is inclined to blow things out of proportion - remember SARS, anyone? Certain threads posted by certain (nameless) individuals bought into the media frenzy that surrounded it. So, one RPG attack will turn into an organized resistance movement, and a lack of forward thinking will turn into, as my hometown newspaper so kindly put it, "paving for the road to hell." The media traditionally opposes authority, traditionally tries to slant the news.
Whatever, the reason we are still in Iraq is that we are going after Iran and Syria next, so brace yourselves.
Major ridbomb, you say? How creative. Or is that major ride bomb?
The anti war folk are going to have a field day with Trauma's post.
Reborn, Jason, buddy, dude,
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your post material is already in existence and you know it. I have every right to point it out. Simon claimes I am one the 2 worst of the cut and past posters on JWD. Could it be that posting things that don't fit in the fictious reality of "hate bush" is kind of like swating a hornets nest with a stick around here? Naw, your post to me of name calling and attacking was really called for. Mine was equally vicious.
You said,
Yeru and dubla, you continue to confound me with your unwavering, stubborn belief that you are right. Always right. I am willing to change my opinion on things when I feel I am in error. Are either of you
I don't know if I'm capable of changing my opinion when in error, I've never been wrong. HA! Sure, when I'm in error I admit it, and have done so on this board. I'm not wrong on the Iraq issue. Saddam had to go. The US took him out. Less than 5000 Iraqi civilians died in the war...and many of those were Fedeyen...or Bathe party members fighting US forces. It will take time in Iraq, I don't recall anyone saying this was going to be an in and out type thing.
The Mass graves thus found in themselves justify the US actions, the Terrorist links have been shown, Mobile BIO CHEM labs found, etc etc etc. I have a hard time understanding why anyone thinks this was a bad idea, really. What's even more befuddling is that many who oppose Iraq want to send US troops into Liberia, can anyone explain that?