You didn't come to that conclusion in an instant, did you? You thought about it, deliberated and concluded: GOD EXISTS!
How did you get to that conclusion?
I'm REALLY interested!
by SpannerintheWorks 48 Replies latest jw friends
You didn't come to that conclusion in an instant, did you? You thought about it, deliberated and concluded: GOD EXISTS!
How did you get to that conclusion?
I'm REALLY interested!
You can't prove it. And you can't prove that he doesn't either.
That is not an answer to the question, Min.
Minimus beat me to the point, which bears repeating. The existence of God cannot be proven; the non-existence of God cannot be proven either.
That leaves you kinda stuck, doesn't it? asking silly questions.
God's existence or non-existence cannot be proven. But one can deliberate what the probability of an all-good, all-knowing, ever-present, never had a beginning/never will have an end entity would be.
See, this is what happens when you try to imitate Minimus's style, ya fall flat on yer face!
Oh, and however much you are REALLY interested, I'm still not answering ya
Just ask AGuest. God exists because the almighty, omnipotent, omniscient being has chosen her to be his vessel on earth to which he speaks directly. He whispers things in her ear actually. BTW, God manifests itself in the physical form of a dragon, or if you ask expatbrit, God's name is in actuality Binky the Pink Unicorn.
No but seriously, I agree with minimus and Francois. This is a question no one can prove or disprove. You will likely have Bible-thumpers jump in this thread and hijack it with doctrines and personal beliefs, but do not be decieved, NO ONE can PROVE UNEQUIVOCALLY that God DOES or DOES NOT exist.
That leaves you kinda stuck, doesn't it? asking silly questions.
No it does not! You have not done your homework, buddy! What I posted was:
How did you get to that conclusion?
THAT is what I was asking!
I am one that says that to those who believe there is a God that the evidence is everywhere of creation . If you do not believe then everything is just an accident . This just sounds like another creation vrs. evolution question to me.
In the words of Ozzy Osbourne:
Tell me I'm a sinner, I got news for you,
I spoke to God this morning and he don't like you!