This really blows me away,, Now take it easy on me fellas, but how can anyone look around them , look at the universe, all the beautiful trees and plants, flowers water, beautiful people, Everything around us and say that there is not a creating God ? No I just can't find any answers to not believe in God but I sure can find all the answers in believeing in him.
From my own experience when I am away from God my life is not happy, I am without inner peace with myself and with others. But when I put God into my life I find a feeling of goodness and happiness inside. So what is it then that does that to me if there is not a God.? It's funny also that we see in people two ways, one being a good person and the other being the bad person, does not the bible teach of good and evil or (bad)....I don't know folks but I feel I can find more reasons to believe in God than to not believe in God.