JWD Analyst get on my ti**

by Brummie 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Brummie

    Why do people come along and try to analyse all the posters here? Always reffering to the "many" or the "majority" and swiping them off as being thick or stupid? Its sounds like they are saying: "their posts are not as interesting & deep as mine are they?" WTF

    The exjw experience is different for us all, there are striking similarities about all of us but at the same time we are different. How you observe the organisation is perhaps not the same as how someone else experienced it.

    So the deal is this, some take a lighter look at things, some take a heavier look. Some post fluff because they are perhaps sick to death of the seriousness in their lives right now, its just an escape to post fluff. Some post heavy stuff, good for them, they can deal with the heavy stuff. Either way, each is progressing in his/her own way. If the "majority" or "the many" are annoying you, then edited to "mind your own business."

    No one has got all the answers, no matter how "inteligent" you think you are...you dont got them either..deal with it already.

    We all disagree and thats fine, even a flame war isnt as bad as the jack who keeps trying to pretend he/she can analyse us all and find the "many" to be weighed and found wanting edited

    Oh geesh, anal -ysts get right on my t*ts


  • teenyuck

    What's a ti**?

    Edited to add: PM me if it's naughty...don't want to get you in trouble...

  • WildHorses

    I think he means those two things on our chest.

  • Brummie

    Rhymes with bits, hits, clits (oops). Anyhow, they are tasty, especialy when they have big nips.

    If you havent got it yet, I'll pm you :)



  • jgnat

    I know what you mean, Brummie. I think perpetual board examination is bad for our health. Children don't analyze their own motives, they just do.

  • teenyuck

    Now he put the other *t* at the end...Doh!

    Brummie, I not the brightest bulb, however, I concur.

  • WildHorses

    Brummie, i've been analyzing you since you first started posting and as far as I can tell, you are not wanting of anything. YOU'RE GREAT! So are many here on this forum, but you will always have a special place in my heart.

  • Brummie

    WH same back at you, I'm venting (seldom do) and you made me feel better. In fact, You, teeny & Jgnat are real good to have around here. I find the "many" and the "majority" to not be found wanting.

  • WildHorses

    You know, IMHO, it is the people who use their heart when dealing with me, are the people I am drawn to the most. I liked to be talk to, not down to.

    I'm less intelligent than a lot of people and more intelligent than some also but I will always treat people with respect and kindness. People are to valuable to me and I try to help and not hurt.

  • Brummie
    I liked to be talk to, not down to.

    Here here!

    It seems to me the "analysts" always seem to be talking down to people, down to not one or two but always the majority. geesh I'm going off line to get a cuppa, I just read 2 threads and both got me annoyed. Perhaps I fell out of the wrong side of the bed this morning .

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