I told you hairy backs were good

by joelbear 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • joelbear
  • joelbear

    I this is even more relevant today.

  • kls

    Well Joel , this is one thing we can agree on.


  • Dimples

    Umm...I'll pass.


  • FlyingHighNow

    I like hair on a man. Not every man, but it's not necessarily bad on an attractive guy. It can be pretty. That pic is a bit extreme.

  • Balsam

    My very sexy hubby who very hairy told me the other day that the majority of women are turned of by guys with hair on their backs. He hugged me and thanked me for being turned on with his totally masculine self. I always thought hairy guys were a total turn on even from my teen years. Hurry for the hairy man. Hurry for the women who love them.


  • luna2

    Wow! That guy in the pic has more hair on his back than a lot of guys have on their heads!

    If I cared about a guy, I'm sure I'd have no problem with how fuzzy he was.

  • FlyingHighNow
    Hurray for the women who love them.

    I'd be one of them. Andy is very handsome and very hairy. Yum.

  • katiekitten

    Gentlemen - there is nothing wrong with waxing, shaving, plucking or hair creaming.

    KK of the 'likes a smooth back, nose and ear holes on a man' class

  • FlyingHighNow
    Gentlemen - there is nothing wrong with waxing, shaving, plucking or hair creaming.

    Or even better, find someone who loves you the way you are.

    OMG, one time Andy had me nair his back. I hated it. Starting the next day, it was prickly and scratchy. Seeing his bare back also made me feel very sad that some of the girls he went to high school with and other women made rude comments to him about men with hairy backs.They didn't know he was hairy. Their comments made him feel self conscious and I suppose he still feels a bit so to this day.

    I compare men's comments about women's breast size or weight to women making comments about hairiness being grotesque. It's probably better not to be loud about such preferences, because the person sitting next to you could be the exact thing you are complaining about.

    Here's a pic of Andy when he was a senior in highschool. He had a girlfriend who had not seen him without his shirt. One day she went on and on about how gross back hair is. What a foolish girl she was. He ended up breaking up with her. She really lost out on a great guy because of her superficiality. And the sad thing is, she was crazy about him. She really put her foot in her mouth.

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