I told you hairy backs were good

by joelbear 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • FlyingHighNow

    Kitty, good thing you're not from Europe then. I remember this beautiful girl in high school. She was from the Netherlands. She had fine golden hair growing all over her legs. And it's amazing, the guys still loved her.

  • Low-Key Lysmith
    Low-Key Lysmith

    KK=My kinda lady.

  • rocketman

    I hate excess body hair, including back hair.

    Don't Wanna Be A Neanderthal Class

  • Sara Annie
    Sara Annie
    Im an olympic shaver. Im the queen of bics. I banish evil hair to the fires of hell. Especially that lone cowboy that grows just below my bellybutton.

    Right on! I too am a dedicated shaver--and waxer, for that matter. I would change to a new physician before I went to a new waxing tech...

    And what is WITH that stay hair that suddenly grows a half inch overnight? I have one of those, and no matter how often I pluck it, it just springs back to life unexpectedly in all it's freakish glory.

    I highly reccomend the 'intuition' shaver for daily leg, underarm and bikini line maintenance. The silky smooth conditioner keeps the itchies away.

  • katiekitten

    Does anyone remember the song '99 red balloons' from sometime in the mid eighties. It was an anti war song. It was sung by a German girl I think (or at least someone definately from Europe).

    She appeared on Top Of The Pops. She was beautiful. But she had the HAIRIEST armpits I have ever seen. And the song required lots of arm waving. She was the talk of all English schools for months.

    Those pits made me glad I was born in England I can tell you.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Peaches have hair. But where is the hair on a pear? No where moi frair. See my beard? Ain't it weird? Don't be skeered it's just a beard.

  • katiekitten

    ooohhh I dont like hairy babies either

    kk of the 'seems to be alienating EVERYBODY, even though she doesnt want to' class

  • Sara Annie
    Sara Annie
    She appeared on Top Of The Pops. She was beautiful. But she had the HAIRIEST armpits I have ever seen. And the song required lots of arm waving. She was the talk of all English schools for months.

    I remember the same phenomenon in the states when I was a little girl and Katarina Witt won the gold medal in figure skating. The only thing I can remember at all are her hairy pits bursting out of her lovely skating costume...

  • Dimples

    Could you love someone with a hairy face? I myself love my cats and love to kiss their faces but I don't know if I could kiss a man with a hairy face...Could you?


  • katiekitten

    As long as he didnt have hair growing out of his nose and ears I could kiss him! He looks quite soft. Is it real?

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