I'm with Venice...if it weren't for alternative medicine, I wouldn't be here today.
I've found from my own experience that vitamins and herbs work far better for me than many allopathic medicines. I tend to be very sensitive to drugs that most people would have no problem with. I've gotten side effects that leave my doctor shaking his head in disbelief. At one time, a supposedly benign medication almost killed me.
If the results are there, why knock it? For instance, I used herbal remedies to reduce my cholesterol levels by almost 100 points in a six-week period, without the side effects of regular cholesterol medications.
The main problem I've seen with JWs is not their willing acceptance of alternative treatments, but their lack of research into them. In the congregation with which I was associated, people would run in hordes to the alternative practioner du jour without ever checking anything. If an elder's wife tried something and liked it, EVERYONE would start doing the same thing...whether or not that particular modality was indicated for them and their circumstances.