Wow. Now that's a response!!
Slipnslidemaster: Doin' the humpty hump...just doin' the humpty hump...
by slipnslidemaster 68 Replies latest jw friends
Wow. Now that's a response!!
Slipnslidemaster: Doin' the humpty hump...just doin' the humpty hump...
Hi Slipnslide
Great topic - lets keep trying for page 4. Hey, I want to stop being a "newbie" anyway.
It has always confounded me why a group of people who set such store by the resurrection are so concerned about their health. The people I mix with now discuss it so much less than the JWs did.
We must remember that "alternatives" were once "modern" anyway. I'm personally in favour of alternate medication as it has really helped me in the past. Saying that, "modern" medicine has also helped me too, and I feel that we should be able to avail ourselves of the entire spectrum of health approaches. Like Introspection pointed out, the statistics can back up either side if you know how to manipulate the figures the right way - so we have to make up our own minds about what is best for us.
Fit and well
I'd like to further explore why JWs in particular appear to be big on alternative medicine. As I said in the other message, an internal mental conflict may be the cause atleast for some, and perhaps on an unconscious level. If we look at disease as a dysfunction, the most likely cause is being in a dysfunctional organization. Of course, there are also specific issues which cannot be resolved, because the final word is simply deferred to someone in a position of authority, and a real dialogue is simply not possible. Further, as we know the dominant attitude is that the new system will be the "big medicine" that takes care of it all, and so you just have to be long-suffering until the end comes. In my experience I have found this to be taken to the extreme of neglecting one's own health today, or even used as an excuse for an unhealthy lifestyle. (instead of avoiding things that are bad for you as a general principle, if you avoid drugs and other things defined as bad then that's good enough) If you believe that mental stress can cause physical disease, (and this is hardly debatable from where I stand, there is simply too much research in this area already) then certainly this is a simple but plausible outline of a mechanism of action for diseases JWs experience whether mental or physical.
Of course, there will be diseases which are congenital and therefore not determined by the forces involved in your current life situation. But maybe some here can attest to this: Do you feel some of your illnesses were brought about or atleast compounded by the stress experienced while in the organization?
And there is yet another reason why JWs and lots and lots of others get involved in some of these activities: some of them work.
There are plenty of things in standard medical practice that originated in natural medicine: quinnine, digitalis, morphine, and many, many other medicines.
Of course, a lot of it is utterly nutty, too.
Like the man said, it takes an adult with adequately developed reasoning ability who is capable of independant thinking to separate this particular wheat and chaff and make reasonable descisions leading to effective treatment.
In the meantime, I've got just a little bit left of some Haitian Turtle fat face cream. I mean, if turtles use it to keep their skin soft and supple, think....
Francois of the Try Anything Once Class
Ok, slip'nslidemaster, now that you have brought this topic to the top again, here is another possibility. A lot of people are attracted to the WTBTS because they are under stress. The society gives answers that alleviate that stress for a time. They are hearing all kinds of new stuff, so aren't too bored at the meetings, etc, and are all fired up to tell people of the wonderful hope for the future. After a time, they get bored, have to force themselves to attend meetings, go witnessing etc and get very tired. Tiredness, however, is not considered a good reason to miss meetings or FS. If their minds, at this point, don't make them feel so unwell that they have to slow down, they force themselves to keep going, getting to the point of exhaustion, and getting really sick. They are really stressed. The stress is now more than when they 'came into the truth', because they can't think, even to themselves, that the the society is causing more stress. Anyhow, that is one idea that entered my head
Hi! Just trying to help get your thread up to four pages.
I try not to have a belief or opinion about alternative medicine--or rather express my opinion. But, to each his own.
I enjoy reading others' views though.
I have always used allopathic meds and am here to tell about it. But, all of us are, huh? I can't discount Mulan's report of her dad, though.
"Some days we're the windshield and some days we're the bug."
Page 4 maybe maybe maybe hahhaahha!!!
you know it's called natural healing for a reson!!
hmmmm Now perhaps, it's getting pretty close!
And.........the average age of death of an MD is 53.
Ya rite! In Ulan Bator?
Statistics please!
- Jan
Faith, n. Belief without evidence in what is told by one who speaks without knowledge, of things without parallel. [Ambrose Bierce, The DevilĀ“s Dictionary, 1911]
I alternatively turn to weed as my medicine to heal thy SELF.
In kind regards, sKally