*correction to earlier post - the veterinary product that is used on dogs, and is produced by the same company that makes Hemopure, is called Oxyglobin, not Oxygent
Another thing about Hemopure...the development and testing of the product is financed by the US Navy.
From the above link:
Under its research agreement with Biopure, the Naval Medical Research Center (NMRC) has primary responsibility for designing, seeking Food and Drug Administration (FDA) acceptance of and conducting a proposed Phase 2/3 clinical trial of Hemopure in trauma patients with severe hemorrhagic shock in the out-of-hospital setting. Entitled "Restore Effective Survival in Shock (RESUS)," this trial represents a unique collaboration between scientists and clinicians from the military, academic hospitals, a nonprofit organization and Biopure under the direction of the NMRC.
Who do you think is the "nonprofit organization" that collaborates with the military and Biopure?
Any use of Hemopure by JWs is arranged by the WT's HLC and they acquire consent from the FDA through their cooperation with the US Navy. It's the only way that Hemopure can be accessed.
Hemopure has had a LOT of problems over the course of its development and getting approval from the FDA to run trials is only one of them. The US Navy has been frustrated at several turns trying to get Hemopure approved and have been turned down in their attempts to design a trial that uses JW patients (see an earlier thread about this...someplace on this forum).
I don't think it is too difficult to guess who the patients are in this quote:
One of the internal report’s co-authors told The Globe that the FDA’s safety concerns aren’t valid, because the patients tested with Hemopure in the proposed trial would likely die anyway.
That is an expression that has been repeated many times when dealing with JW patients who refuse blood - "the patient will die anyway".
Dying JW patients are valuable to the US Navy.*
*JWs make for an excellent control group for the US Navy. They don't smoke and they don't serve in the military. Nice clean sample to use.