When the governing body die off, then what happens ??? Another "new class"

by run dont walk 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • run dont walk
    run dont walk

    I am presumming that all of the governing body are of the "annoited class" and up there in age.

    So what happens when they can no longer look after things, which should be soon, there are no other annoited really to take over. And 10 years from now all the supposed "annoited ones" will be gone.

    Whta will become of the governing body ??????

    The Watchtower must be a bit worried.

    Will there be "new light" and make up a new body ??????

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    My money is on the "new light" coming to enlighten the GB. I would think it would be something like a scripture that the GB will take out of context and a new fold of annointed ones will be created to direct the "great crowd" in these last days. Not a lot of new ones will be added so that the GB can keep that window of Armagoddon not to far off in the future. Anyway you heard it from me first.


  • yxl1

    In "Search for Christian Freedom", Ray Franz makes it clear that most of the writing of the WTS books and magazines are NOT written by the anointed. Also I recall an elder stating that some people who are not of the anointed class can become anointed. If someone that claims to be anointed looses faith, their position is filled (presumabliy by someone much younger) In other words, they'll always have someone to keep the torch burning. Thats their "get out of jail free" card.

    This kind of stuff doesnt seem to bother the rank and file, especially the younger generation. Talking to my BIL and his JW friends at the w/e, it came clear that they have no idea of past doctrines,current administration or changing ideas.They didnt even know half of the current teachings. It doesnt matter. As long as they attend 5 times a week and do slightly more than 8 hours per month, they've paid their dues. I doubt this is something encouraged by the GB, but keeping the masses at a certain level of ignorance, definately works in their favor.

  • blondie

    Another new class has already been identified, the "Nethinim," the "given ones" in a 1992 WT article.

    4/15/92 WT

    p. 12 Jehovah’s Provision, the "Given Ones"

    Further explanation was given in the 1993 Yearbook p 254.

    As explained in this issue of The Watchtower, there is a group serving with spiritual Israel today that is comparable to the Nethinim and the sons of the servants of Solomon who returned from Babylonian exile with the Jewish remnant; those non-Israelites even outnumbered the returning Levites. (Ezra 2:40-58; 8:15-20) ‘Given ones’ from among today’s great crowd are mature Christian men who have had considerable experience as a result of caring for oversight in branches, in the traveling work, and among the 66,000 congregations now established throughout the earth.

    "At the Brooklyn headquarters of Jehovah’s Witnesses, some ‘given ones’ have served for a great many years. These include mature overseers from the great crowd who have gained a wealth of ability and experience. Thus, the Governing Body has selected a few of such overseers to assist in the meetings of the Governing Body’s committees. These are not necessarily the men with the longest record of service. Rather, they are mature, experienced men with qualifications that fit them for giving assistance in particular fields. Their being assigned to work with a committee does not give them a special status (they must think we are idiots). As Jesus said concerning his disciples, ‘all you are brothers.’ (Matthew 23:8) However, much will be entrusted to these men, and consequently ‘much will be demanded’ of them.—Luke 12:48.

    In the 7/1/95 WT p. 22 this was brought out again.

    Moreover, with the great crowd increasing by the hundreds of thousands each year, there is an ever-growing need for oversight. At one time this was handled exclusively by anointed Christians. Now, oversight of most congregations, as well as circuits, districts, and branches, has of necessity been entrusted to the other sheep. In 1992 a few of these were given the privilege of attending meetings of committees of the Governing Body and serving as nonvoting helpers. Still, the other sheep remain loyal to their anointed fellow Christians and feel privileged to support them as Jehovah’s faithful and discreet slave.—Matthew 25:34-40.

    And in the 5/15/97 WT

    p. 20

    In keeping with his administration of things, Jehovah is progressively moving "to gather all things together again in the Christ." As far as "the things in the heavens" are concerned, his purpose approaches completion. The uniting of Jesus with all the 144,000 in heaven for "the marriage of the Lamb" is near. Hence, more and more longtime, mature brothers of the other sheep, representing "the things on the earth," have had delegated to them weightier responsibilities in support of their anointed brothers.

    The WTS wavers back and forth about whether any of the anointed will still be on earth when the end comes. Currently, they believe they will be and consider a "point of evidence" that we are in the last days.


  • Hamas

    Blondie, your posts are allways top quality.

    You study very hard, I thank you for your work.

  • arancia

    Do you know they always find the way out?Since the day Russel inveted the ever last lies they will find more anoited ready to step in.and not looking after the sheeps,but insted to count the money in the bank.Do not worry about the new class,there will never be onother one.We got enough of this one surelly we do not need more pain.Look and think for freedom .I got free, thank God.

  • Hamas

    Welcome, Arancia !!

    Great to have you with us !


  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Blondie, I think Freddie wrote an entire book ``You May Survive Armageddon into God's New World" in a bid to ``prove" that some of he remnant will survive until -- and beyond -- Armageddon to lead the ``Great Crowd" into the New World. If memory serves correctly, he premised this on what he said were 43 (I think that's the number) so-called prophetic foretypes found in the Bible.

  • ozziepost

    Interesting point, Roomie. Glad you're still around, mate. Hope things are going OK.

    Cheers, ozzie

  • garybuss

    The Anointed retired Oct 7, 2000. The Chieftain class is currently running the Watch Tower Publishing Conglomerate.

    The Watchtower 2001 Jan. 15 p. 31 A Special Announcement

    AT THE conclusion of the annual meeting of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania on October 7, 2000, a special announcement was made by the chairman, John E. Barr of the Governing Body.

    Brother Barr told the audience that recently certain members of the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses who had been serving as directors and officers voluntarily stepped aside from the boards of directors of all the corporations used by "the faithful and discreet slave" in the United States. Responsible brothers of the other sheep class were elected as replacements.

    *** Jehovah's Witnesses Order Shake-Up By Richard N. OstlingAP Religion Writer
    Monday, Oct. 9, 2000; 11:59 p.m. EDT

    NEW YORK Leaders of the Jehovah's Witnesses have ordered the biggest organizational shake-up since the evangelist sect was incorporated 116 years ago, saying it would help the 5.9-million member group expand worldwide.

    The Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, as the group is officially known, had been run by a so-called Governing Body. Now, religious and administrative duties will be divided, with three newly formed corporations running the group's U.S. operations.

    President Milton Henschel, 80, and the group's six other board members resigned their posts on Saturday.

    "The reason for the changes was both theological and practical," said public affairs director James N. Pellechia.

    He said the Governing Body, now relieved of its administrative tasks, would be able to "concentrate more on the ministry of the Word."

    Don Adams, a 50-year veteran of the organization, has been named president of the organization, and seven lower-ranking members will make up the new board. Henschel will remain a member of the Governing Body, which will have a rotating chairman rather than a permanent leader.

    Until Saturday, the head of the Watch Tower society was always regarded as the single leader of the religion, dating back to founder Charles Taze Russell. He began publishing a magazine detailing the imminent end of the world system in 1879, incorporated the Watch Tower society in 1884 and ruled the religion till his death in 1916.

    Watch Tower presidents have taken a lower profile since the days of Russell and his flamboyant successor Joseph Rutherford, who died in 1942. "I don't believe the Witnesses look to any one person" as leader, Pellechia said. ***

    They look to a book publisher who signs letters with a rubber stamp as their leader. GaryB

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