here's one way to deal with illegal imigrants
by Pleasuredome 24 Replies latest social current
A tad controverial to say the least!
Asked whether it would be right to fire on immigrants who are generally unarmed women and children, Mr Bossi was firm.
"Whether they're good or bad, one way or the other illegal immigrants have got to be chased away," he said.
I disagree 150%
Infact this would be abused and would just lead to another ethnic cleansing , I am very anti.
Please tell me this is a scam.
If this is true, it is a violation of international law and human rights conventions, not to mention the canons of basic human decency.
If it's put into place, those who ordered it and anyone who implements it should--and probably will--be tried by the ECHR or the World Court.
WOW! Is that guy for real???
The following programme which is air tonight, should be interesting.
Good ol' Panorama!!!
The asylum game
Tha asylum game will be broadcast on BBC One on Wednesday, 23 July, 2003 at 21:00 BST.
For six months a Panorama reporter has been on a journey through Britain's asylum system.
Her task was to find out why so many people seek asylum in the UK and why the system cannot cope.
In January Panorama's reporter turned up at a Channel port police station, seeking asylum. Posing as Mihaela Cornea, a Moldovan national fleeing a violent boyfriend, she told her story.
It was flawed and the authorities appeared not to believe it but they gave her papers to stay for six months and she was released. Within hours they had lost track of her.
Once free, Mihaela faced a dilemma encountered by many asylum seekers: her asylum application would take months to process but she was not allowed to work. Refused benefits and accommodation, she had little alternative but to enter the world of illegal employment.
Within days she obtained the false documents she needed to work and hooked up with criminal gangs - themselves asylum seekers - who ply a lucrative trade in forging documents for others.
Mihaela discovers this is not a fluke encounter. She meets crooks who are able to make a fortune out of a system groaning under pressure and wide open to abuse. The genuine asylum seekers she meets are also victims of the system, kept in limbo for months waiting for their cases to be adjudicated.
Britain's asylum system is based on the principle of providing a safe haven to victims of persecution but it is in chaos because it cannot speedily distinguish between the refugee and the economic migrant.
When her six month permission to stay runs out, Mihaela puts the asylum system to one final test. Earlier this year, Home Secretary David Blunkett introduced fingerprinting of all asylum seekers to root out fraud and multiple applications.
Our reporter was fingerprinted at the time of her first application. Now, her first asylum request turned down, she adopts a different name, and makes another application. Panorama will reveal if Mr Blunkett's new detection system is up to the job.
Production team:
Reporters: Claudia Murg and John Ware
Producer: Terry Tyldesley
Deputy Editors: Andy Bell, Sam Collyns
Editor: Mike Robinson -
Guest 77
Ah, the axis of evil at work!
Guest 77
This is an interesting article , while i don't agree with shooting folks who are usually as mentioned women and children as well as men- it is very interesting esp here in the USA how this plays out so well
most folks sad to say are really no better than jw in terms of thier mindset - in terms of getting played like a feather-case in point-
go to any place in the USA where folks have small towns and they fly the flag at the barber shop - yes small town USA---- and ask folks how they feel about illegal immagrants esp those coming from mexico
and they will say how it is a bad thing, they take up schools, medical resources, welfare, etc---- those who support them will say that they add to the underground ecomomy, etc
but then ask the politicians and they will rant and rave about how our borders are under protected- yet the real kicker is THEY NEVER RAID WHERE THEY KNOW THESE PERSONS WORK
when was the last time in the last 5yrs have you heard of the INS doing a raid on fruit farms in CA.
yet almost everyone knows that the many of largest corp in the agri, biz use persons who are here illegally- cheap labor is the key- so while the "True" american is pissed off that his taxes are being used to support those who didn't go thru the proper channels and become citizens his elected rep is playing him like a fiddle,- the same as the US congress after 9-11 had 10s of 1000's of troops over in Afghanistan, they could if they wanted to address the border issue, but it would affect the large corp who benifit off the backs of folks looking for a better life-
how sad
Latin assassin from Manhattan
Your idea is severely lacking in humanity, creativity and CLASS. You make it sound really easy to shoot at a woman or a child. Do you think that a true warrior would do such a thing for his country? Do you think you're tough enough to even pick up the bodies? I must say, pink suits you very well.
Given that this is a forum after all, I should realize that he's only saying this because he's hiding behind a PC. So I'll leave him alone.
I believe, that a MORE HUMANE SOLUTION would be to track immigrants biometrically. A chip can be inserted in their finger which can be tracked by a global positioning system. It's already being tested in some U.S. prisons with great success. It's already available here to track lost pets and it works very well.
Legal citizens can be given 'smart cards' which they must carry at all times. These smart cards are nearly impossible to falsify given the technology that they're based on. Once all citizens and immigrants have been identified, we can implement technology which will help us protect the borders (drone aircraft, heat sensing/ultraviolet rader systems etc).
It's an advanced approach requiring a large financial investment, but mark my words - it will happen.
First of all Mr. Bosci do we have an anger problem?
"Whether the government's allies agree or not, I want to hear the sound of the cannons by the end of the week or I'm off," he said.
Can't we take the poor man to a firing range so he can please hear some cannons?
This kind of mentality is creepy to the extreme, and I have to agree with JT on this one, I know plenty of small town americans who would nod in agreement with this guy.
Latin--I think you are mistaken in your attack on Pleasuredome. He did not write the article he featured, nor did he say "I think this is a great idea!!" If you got to know him or read his posts you would know he is one of several people who posts here who fights for human rights.
But I have to say your idea of how to control the immigrant population scares the hell out of me just as much. Cards and tracking devices?? You're kidding right?
Latin assassin from Manhattan
With all due respect, but it seemed pretty obvious that pleasuredome was offering this article as a suggestion. Had he thought differently he would have said so. But whatever his intention was, I'll let him speak for himself and I'll leave it at that. We're all adults so I'm sure we can speak for our own comments right?
To address your comment Joanna tell me, would your prefer placing a microchip on an immigrant mother and her child, or would you prefer to put a couple of rounds in their heads? I was offering this as an alternative to shooting them. Furthermore, I did offer more than one alternative, a microchip AND a smart card. What's so scary about a smart card? You carry a driver's license or a credit card don't you? A smart card is nothing more than an i.d. card with enhanced electronic capability to prevent falsification as was was done by the 9/11 terrorists. The card will be carried in your wallet, not in your forehead so where do you see a problem?
Immigrants are us, only a few generations ago. We is all people, folks. We can cry about the injustices and cruelties in other parts of the world, but when the people who have lived through those horrific experiences knock on our door, we leave them outside?
My son-in-law does jobs no native-born Canadian will take. He works very hard, and is grateful every day for the freedoms our country offers. It was agonizing watching him get through his immigrant application, to hear a judge declare that he is safe to go back to a country that murdered 12 members of his immediate family. His children are the next generation of Canadians - I am sure they will make me proud.
I understand it is disruptive to a society to simply throw open the doors. On the other hand, I think we diminish ourselves as a nation if we think of immigrants (illegal or not) as "those people". My ancestors are Scottish, Irish and British stock, commoners all. When they came over on the boat, they too were treated like second-class citizens. Immigrants are just like us, with a few more scars.