IT IS interesting that the process of "becoming an athiest" is really the result of continuing in the process that lead to most leaving the jw-
while in the jw we were taught to accept any explanation of a matter regardless of how goofy it was- well once we started to "Question" and not accept answers it naturally leads to the next level-
being a former jw the statement "Don't Question the Society" rings loud in ones ear- well is it not true that "Beleivers" also say something very simialarly- as my grandmother says:
"Baby, don't QUESTION the "LARD" ---not Lord, but "LARD"----- so coming from a reference point of being a jw --where one was forbidden to question under penlty of death-
one see the same exact thing/argument being presented by believers "Don't question god cause he will kill you, destroy you, put you in hell, etc"
so now armed with that knowledge that NOTHING IS BEYOND BEING QUESTIONED one proceeds on-
in fact almost to the man/woman that i have spoken to either personally or via email or just thru their post have stated that they TRIED VERY HARD TO BELEIVE IN GOD in fact they wanted to prove to themselves that they should beleive in a god , yet each time they came up short on :
evidence, logic, common sense, or getting a satisfying answer-
having been a jw and told to "Wait on Jah"- when told by beleivers that they would just have to wait till the LARD revealed it, they knew that they were getting smoke blown in their face all over again
same smoke , different pipe--
so in order to counter, most believers are very quick to try and explain why a person doesn't believe in god by say much of what the watchtower used to say basically about folks who wanted to go to college
we all recall that the wt impued bad motives for those who wanted to go to college
pride, riches , glory, honor, prestige, not willing to do hard manual labor, etc- when in fact most folks wanted to go to college so they could just get a decent job that paid a decent wage
well we see something similar with believers in their attempt to explain why folks dont beleive in god- they say the reason is:
1 the person wants wild and hot sex with everyone
2, don't want to be accountable
3, they want to live the swinging life style
4 they want to smoke dope, reefer, smack, crack, acid, etc- smile
when in fact most of the folks i know who don't beleive in god, pretty much live their normal lives
for me examining other beleif systems non-christian i began to quickly see they were all pretty much the same basic concept
AND THAT is pretty much what most beleif systems teach especially the major ones
so to me i see --same product different - different wrapping paper