StinkyPantz's story is remarkably similar to my own. In fact I think I must have copied her or something. (Or maybe she copied me? )
I consider myself an atheist.
Basically realizing the WTS was full of it made me question everything. No longer was I ever going to take something without thoroughly investigating it... on both sides. I decided to quested the bible, even the belief in god. The things that are supposed to prove the bible is from a supernatural source fell apart under careful examination.
There is no hard proof of god. Why not? If he existed, certainly he would provide hard proof. The idea that god wants us to just "believe" in him with only circumstantial evidence (at best) is a convenient cop-out. I had never experienced god helping me in my life. So not believing in some supernatural, all-powerful, all-knowing being was not a stretch for me. God just doesn't make sense when you really think about it.
All I suggest is that you examine all the evidence that both sides offer. As a JW, you only saw one side. Have you ever seen one of the many courtroom drama type shows on TV? Sometimes after hearing just the prosecution's side you feel that the person must be guilty! You don't even need to hear the defense! But after hearing the defense, you realize the answer is not so clear.
The JWs only present one tainted viewpoint. They forbid people from looking at an opposing viewpoint. Could you imagine if the prosecution in a courtroom forbade the jury from hearing the defense's case?
Welcome to the forum, btw.