Just Got Off The Phone With My Sister..................

by Mary 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mary

    Just got off the phone with my sister.............she started talking about an ex-elder in her congregation and his "apostate" attitude, so I asked her what she considered "apostacy". She says that's when you openly talk against The Troof........I said "the bible says it's when someone denies Jesus as having come in the flesh."

    Anyway, we started talking about the pedophile problem within the Organization and the people who have been disfellowshipped for speaking out about it. She emphatically keeps saying "I can guarantee you that there's more to it than that. You can't get disfellowshipped just for going to the police. I don't believe that. There HAS to be more to it than that."

    So I said "why does there HAVE to be more to it than that? Is it because you would find that very disturbing if there WASN'T more to it than that?"

    I guess she's asked a few elders about the Dateline program, etc. and of course she was told that it's just "disgruntled" Witnesses who are try to cause problems and of course, Satan de Debbil has total control of the Dateline program. Apparently he produces, directed and coaches everyone who appears on it. She of course, cautioned me about certain web sites (giggle, giggle) promoted by apostates, and not to believe just what's on Dateline because "that's only one side of the story".

    So I said "maybe you don't WANT to believe all the reports, because that would throw a wrench into your live style that you enjoy so much. Of course, she completely denied that and cut the conversation short.

    Unbe-freakin-leavable................anyone else try talking to their immediate family members about what's going on? What's the reaction?

  • Emma

    I haven't tried recently. This is unflattering, but I consider them "dead heads" when it comes to thinking objectively about the wts. Some of the overzealous give over all thinking/reasoning to the org in blind faithfulness; I don't know what hope there is for them! I just don't try.

  • teenyuck

    Exact same Stepford response. Satan has control. It is apostates with an axe to grind. They want to take down Jehovah's earthly borganization. Yada, Yada, Yada.

    They must have secret meetings where they inject all dubs brains with the same answers. That way they show a united front.


    Poor Mary. I have been listening to that for the last two years, since I found this site and started questioning stuff.

  • cat1759

    There has to be more to it than that.

    My mom and dad knew what was going on as I kept them updated on what was happening. My dad was appalled at the way the elders handled my situation with my sons molestation. How they were going to take action against me for opening the door to the backroom. My parents knew it was all true.

    They still stayed in. Wait on Jehovah he will take care of it all...What a bunch of bulls---. My god my life has been waiting and waiting for others to do something, make a decision. Someone had to take control and I did it in spite of the crap I took for it. I lost everything in my life that I had ever known. My friends, my religion, my marriage. I chose to stick up for my son. So for all you JWs on the site lurking who don't believe the dateline show think again. It happens and it keeps happening. If it wasn't happening then there wouldn't be a need to fight back. People don't give up their lives as they knew, to fight for something they don't believe in or have first hand knowledge of.

    As far as your Mom goes, let her wait on Jehovah, it is their only hope at this point. Same as my mom. My mom had first hand knowledge and she still chooses to stay there. Abuse doesn't just hurt the victim, it has a snowball effect in the lives of those around. I spent years picking up the pieces.


  • ozziepost

    G'day Mary,

    Yep, it's pretty normal to get that reaction. Your sister is no different to all the other R&F who've had their eyes blinded to the truth. Basically, she believes what she wants to believe. To deny her beliefs would be too hard for her and so she shuts her mind to anything that would cause more cognitive dissonance. Feel sorry for her. She's a victim.

    Interesting that she uses the common expression "that's only one side of the story". I guess she hasn't identified the "other side" of the story yet, eh?

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • bikerchic

    Mary good for you, you held your own without loosing your cool and I''m sure you gave her things she'll really think about.

    ................anyone else try talking to their immediate family members about what's going on? What's the reaction?

    Well I won't go that route with family, I know what it would mean! But I did have a conversation much like yours with my only "best" witness girlfriend of over 30 years. We talked about Dateline and things I've known about abuse issues for years which back up the Dateline show. We also talked about the blood issues which I don't think she knew about...........she isn't a very regular meeting attender, never has been.She got real quiet but did ask me if I thought I would start going back to meetings (if my new husband would let me)LOL. I told her "NO!".

    Long story short we had been emailing each other for a few years (since I left) and I got an email from her telling me I'm bad association since I'm a non believer now, (her conclusion) and she would be grieving the holy spirit to have any more association with me so "goodbye dear friend".

    That really hurt! I miss my friend, not only that but here goes the small town gossip mill about me being an unbeliver now, sheese......

    I'm really glad to be out and away from it, but loosing friends and family really sucks!


  • Mary

    It's very frustrating, but I know I've been on both sides of the coin. Years ago, even though some of the doctrines bothered me, I was still 110% sure that this was "the Truth" and I would have staked my life on it. When I got someone at the door who actually started questioning me about some of our beliefs, I would get extremely angry and defensive, basically because I could think of no defense to give them. I'd come away from it thinking how well Satan has deceived them, even by making it sound as though they know what they're talking about.

    It's taken several years, but I know now that this isn't the one true religion. And it hurts. As bizarre as it may sound, I was very happy when I believed that the New System was right around the corner. In fact, I bet a school mate $20.00 that it would be here before 1990............thank god I've never run into her.

  • funkyderek
    In fact, I bet a school mate $20.00 that it would be here before 1990

    You should have thought more about that. You'd never have been able to collect even if you won, 'cos she'd have been birdfeed. Come to think of it, so would you. Gambling's not allowed, you know!

  • sandy

    You sister sounds like my brain-dead sisters. I remember that dateline show as well.

    My family was in the livingroom watching it and I was in my room. I walked to the kitchen for water to get a glimpse of their reaction. I noticed my sister staring at me probably wondering what I was thinking or if I was going to say anything.

    I was back in my room and I could hear them talking about it after the show. Saying things like...... "Satan realy has a hold on them. How sad."

    Though I had no knowledge to this scandal before the dateline show I knew that the people on the show were telling the truth.

    I was not too pleased with the way the elders handled my situation either. I was an adult when I disclosed the abuse and they said it was my decision to make about pressing charges or not. But, their attitudes were un-sympathetic in my opinion.

    The accused admitted abusing me and apologized but it was made clear by the Elders that he was not being DF'd for abusing me but instead it was for being a Drunk. OMG!!

    He was in active and hardly ever went to meetings and neve hung out with the people in the hall and they DF'd him for drinking too much because they must keep the congregation clean.

    Their are f***ing idiots!!! They said because it was so long ago they could not do anything about it. With all their rules and so called righteousness it shouldn't matter if the crime was committed today or 15 years ago.

  • blondie

    I always remember the Jewish religious leaders who knew Jesus was the Messiah but it got in the way of their personal glory. Rather than give up their delusions or illusions, they killed the Messiah.

    John 11:45-53 (NWT)

    45 Therefore many of the Jews that had come to Mary and that beheld what he did put faith in him; 46 but some of them went off to the Pharisees and told them the things Jesus did. 47 Consequently the chief priests and the Pharisees gathered the San'he·drin together and began to say: "What are we to do, because this man performs many signs? 48 If we let him alone this way, they will all put faith in him, and the Romans will come and take away both our place and our nation." 49 But a certain one of them, Ca'ia·phas, who was high priest that year, said to them: "Y OU do not know anything at all, 50 and YOU do not reason out that it is to YOUR benefit for one man to die in behalf of the people and not for the whole nation to be destroyed." 51 This, though, he did not say of his own originality; but because he was high priest that year, he prophesied that Jesus was destined to die for the nation, 52 and not for the nation only, but in order that the children of God who are scattered about he might also gather together in one. 53 Therefore from that day on they took counsel to kill him.

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