Did God Create Dinosaurs Or UFOs?

by Latin assassin from Manhattan 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Latin assassin from Manhattan
    Latin assassin from Manhattan

    I remember at a District Convention in Yankee Stadium back in the 80's where the District Overseer mentioned the possibility of one day being able to share the universe "with other creations of Jehovah" as he put it. It definitely got everyone's attention because he even went so far as to say that perhaps UFOs are a creation of Jehovah, but we haven't been told of their purpose. When I heard that I nearly choked on my JW-hoagie.

    But since then, when I watch a documentary on The Discovery Channel it always makes me wonder what was God thinking when he created things like dinosaurs? Will we ever get to see them return and share a world with them? What about UFOs? Is it possible that God has created other creatures of equal importance as humans?

  • freedom96

    I am surprised that anyone from stage would suggest the possibilities of UFO's. I was always told that because the bible does not talk about them, therefore they don't exist.

    I think that there is more life than just here on earth. What exactly, I don't know.

  • Stan Conroy
    Stan Conroy

    The dinosaurs are on Venus. Don't you read Judge Rutherford's books?


  • drwtsn32
    The dinosaurs are on Venus.

    Agreed. And they got there by flying in their UFOs.

    On a warm summer night, when the swamp gas is just right, you sometimes still see the UFOs making their voyage to Venus.

  • Latin assassin from Manhattan
  • Piph
    It definitely got everyone's attention because he even went so far as to say that perhaps UFOs are a creation of Jehovah, but we haven't been told of their purpose.

    I'm surpised they didn't take a cane and yank him off stage right then...LOL

    Is that brother still a JW?

  • drwtsn32

    Sorry, I couldn't resist the dinosaur/venus comment (which has been printed in old publications, in case you are unaware!)

    But to answer your question, the bible says nothing about life on other worlds.

    I think I read in older JW literature that god probably used dinosaurs to keep the vegitation under control in various parts of the world. That doesn't make much sense to me.

    Evolution provides a clear answer as to why dinosaurs existed and gives almost absolute certainty that there is life elsewhere in the universe.

  • run dont walk
    run dont walk
    Sorry, I couldn't resist the dinosaur/venus comment (which has been printed in old publications, in case you are unaware!)

    Really !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Anyone have a copy of this ?????????????????

    blondie, you are the best at pulling up articles, any luck on this one ????????????

  • logical

    God created dinosaurs. Humans created UFO's. However I dont believe that earth is the only planet with life, after all JAH is Life, this universe is massive how could life be restricted to one single planet? Also, consider that on other planets they may not have rebelled and they are living out how it should have been here. Venus is hell.

  • drwtsn32

    "Venus is about what the earth was prior to the Flood, and it is interesting that some astronomers have advanced the idea that animals like the DINOSAURS that once roamed this planet are now finding Venus a HAPPY PLACE in which to live."

    The Golden Age magazine
    April 1, 1931, pp. 428.

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