women should learn in silence (even if it is wrong)
Witness sayings
by Teela 95 Replies latest jw friends
women should learn in silence (even if it is wrong)
Euphimism, I think that that is tautology - voluntary donation thinggy awhile back in this post.
My pet hates:
Field service
Fine meeting, cracking meeting
Kingdom Smile (as in 'where is your')
Wholesome recreation
Fine example
Mature brother
he's very spiritual
JW's going 'Wow' and looking like they have found the holy grail when coming off a door when the householder
actually has a brain (in their estimation) and then saying 'He/she asked really good questions, we're going back!'
Book bag
Dear great and loving almight and powerful Jehovah,
humbleness and praise
in the name of your dear son and our redeemer who shed his blood for us that we may have life everlasting whom you sent to this earth as part of your great plan to redeem manking, our king and ransomer jesus christ, amen. (I jest not)
This bountieous banquet set before us
These ones
I could go on but will spare you all zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
run don't walk
*%* why don't they use their name
I have known JWs who have only addressed people at the KH as "Brother So-and-so" and "Sister What-A-Pain. Combined with a complete lack of social interaction, these JWs end up not knowing their first names! They end up having to ask someone else in the congregation.
Surely this is another fine indication that Jehovah is blessing His Organization;
Present Truths
Light has flashed up.............
Satan has blinded the minds of the unbelievers
Can you do MORE in Jehovah's Organization?
Reaching out for privileges............
Readjust your thinking
Your skirt is too short and it's making all the brothers horny
I did NOT have sexual relations with that child
"Come and take life's water free..."
IT WILL BE FIXED(corrected, clarified, adjusted, handled,taken care of, etc) IN JEHOVAH'S
What are you doing today
"going out door to door" that make's sense
"going out in service" service of what! Yeah let's go service our neighbours
LOL a friend's Bible Study at a Service Meeting for the first time thought it was scandalous that you were required to tell the elders when you last menstrual period was..... they heard the elder telling the sisters to make sure they put in their monthly reports... at the time I was shocked anyone sincere could misunderstand, after all it was the PURE LANGUAGE! with the CLEAR RING OF TRUTH.
'Greetings, I'm a member of the great crowd of other sheep rendering sacred service to the Ancient of Days in the earthly courtyard of the spiritual temple by following the example of the fine shepherd and engaging as a pioneer in preaching the good news of the kingdom with the sword of the spirit. We are helping to warn those not familiar with the Divine Name that the second presence of the Chief Agent of Life has begun, and soon the last days will reach their culmination when the scarlet-colored wild beast will turn on the harlot and destroy Babylon the Great, beginning the great tribulation which is climaxed by Har-Magedon and the ruler of the world, now in Tartarus, being thrown into the abyss for the rest of the last Adam's millennial reign. However, antitypical apostate Jerusalem with her man of lawlessness class is supporting the false prophet and fighting against the anointed remnant of spiritual Israel, the ambassadors of heavenly Jerusalem, and their envoys, who are keeping themselves without spot from the world and who would rather go to Sheol or Hades than Gehenna by rejecting the theocracy proclaimed by the faithful and discreet slave and the Governing Body of the spiritual paradise on earth today. So, if you don’t want to subscribe to these horses, here's a program schedule for the Kingdom Hall, where you can come and learn more about New Jerusalem, new heavens, new earth, new commandment, new birth, new lump, new song, new creation, new personality, and the new covenant.
Thank you for your time ... which is not to be confused with a time and times and half a time.Ken