I hated that damn Shulamite maiden and that wife in Proverbs! Also, 'women should be submissive to their husbands' - "Headship" - the brainless woman with her "quiet and mild spirit" - "worldlings" - what a put down of people we didn't even know and God's "joyful people" the "Happiest people on earth" - I used to think, what people do they know? The majority of JW's I knew where miserable and popping prozac just to make it to the next meeting! - Victorian Sky
Witness sayings
by Teela 95 Replies latest jw friends
LOL at Undecided and DannyBear
Couple of more for greven and City Fan
Surely then.............. And one of my favourites: It would stand to reason then...................
With Warm Christian Love:
Your Brother xjw_b12
**** And one of my favourites: It would stand to reason then...................****
that from the looks of all these "Witness sayings" jw's are more screwed up than we thought.
El Kabong
How about having zeal and being zealous.
I just heard this one by a "visiting speaker" a few weeks ago on Sunday:
Women need to be in subjection to their husbands! There are too many marriages dissolving in the organization.
Spiritually Weak
attitude adjustment
worldly way of thinking
"Oh My Word" "Oh My Goodness" - they can't say Oh My God so these are versions of it
Jehovah will provide
You just need to have faith
Only Jehovah knows...
Light gets brighter
Jehovah reveals information at the appropriate time
Spiritual food (all publications from WBTS)
Oh and Victorian Sky just reminded me of another woman in the Bible who was not a good example of being a "christian woman" and submissive to her husband--namely Queen Vashti.
First of all, King Ahasuerus was not an Israelite--he ruled from India to Ethiopia--he was not a worshipper of Jehovah and neither was Vashti.
Second of all, in that male-dominated society, would any woman have wanted to be paraded in front of all the people and princes, even though beautiful? Well maybe a vain woman would have, but I get the feeling Vashti was shy or just was getting tired of being paraded about (do any of you think this was the first time he tried this???) and so she refused to show up. I say "you gooooo girl!" She stood up for herself, finally. Maybe she was the first feminist although I am not! (read the account: Esther 1:1-21 - 2:1-4) Seems like all Ahasuerus wanted was to be with beautiful women. Was that a good example of how a "christan man" should be????
Thirdly, the nerve of the society (a few years ago) to have used this account in a Bible-reading assignment on the Ministry School to show how women should act--using examples of people who didn't worship Jehovah to do it!
And what really got my goat at the local level, was that the school overseer assigned this reading to a teen-ager, unbaptized, who couldn't care less whether he gave a talk or not--and for him to stand up there and in his conclusion, state how "christian women" should conduct themselves, and that Vashti was a bad example --boy I was just fuming. It was like counsel--I guess it was counsel...I just couldn't believe the school overseer didn't have enough "discernment" to give this talk to at least a person who was baptized! What was he thinking???
"Association" or "Associations"-I remember reading one Dub website around the time that pregnant girl got killed and the baby cut out of her.....the title of the article was, "Watch Your Associations!" That just burned me up.
"Taking the opportune time"
"Unclean sexual acts" or did I already say that?
"Bear fruit" or "rich fruitage"
LOL at Uriah-- Thanks for reminding me about "wholesome recreation"---doesn't the term just smack of a living room full of staidly dressed, age-mixed Dubs, smiling blandly and playing Bible games? You know, the one where you had to get up and pantomine a Bible scene without using words?
This thread topic comes up several times here, and I swear I never get tired of it.
The Friends
Buy out the time
Nothing a handy-wipe can't fix!"Unclean sexual acts" or did I already say that?