I think I'm about to become a victim of an "intervention"

by cruzanheart 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • cruzanheart

    That's what I find intriguing about the sudden phone call -- Co-Worker has left me pretty much completely alone after her phone call last year. Not that we were close buds to start with -- I haven't really noticed a difference in how she treats me. The other Witness who works here has treated me pretty much the same too, especially as time has gone on and both of them see that I haven't pierced anything, died my hair orange, picked up a boyfriend, or started smoking. No JW issues have been discussed at all. Old Friend claimed that Co-Worker gave her my phone number a while back and she is just now getting around to calling. I think probably the summer convention prodded her into it -- another friend, after her convention, saw fit to bring me the new Great Teacher book and magazines from the present back to the month Dad died. I think she felt guilty or something.

    If I do go on the offensive with Co-Worker, I'll file a claim with HR that she used confidential company property (the firm home address list) for her own personal business the first time she called me at home AND gave out my home phone number from that list without my permission. For now, though, I'll leave her alone unless this escalates.


  • bikerchic


    If I do go on the offensive with Co-Worker, I'll file a claim with HR that she used confidential company property (the firm home address list) for her own personal business the first time she called me at home AND gave out my home phone number from that list without my permission. For now, though, I'll leave her alone unless this escalates.

    Oh yeah, smart thing to do! She'll probably back off. If I were you I would repeatedly decline her invitations to get together, you know you have to wash your car, or take the dogs for a walk something much more important ya know, LOL It sounds like a set up to me, keep on guard and write down everytime she tries to contact you.

    Wishing you the best with this!


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    I think Nina should send off a tactfully worded, but whose meaning is clear, telling this co-worker to quit giving out her home phone number. It is definitely against firm policy. I 'm not sure if it is illegal to give out personal information, or not, but it certainly comes close. I know HR would definitely be interested. I also think she needs to tell this woman to quit talking about her.

    When I was leaving, I remember telling the elders that I don't want to hear anything good about me and I don't want to hear anything bad. Now I realize in a gossipy organization like the Witnesses that is impossible, but it is a nice and simple instruction one can give to the JW chick.

  • cruzanheart

    Here's the e-mail I sent and the reply:

    Sorry for the inconvenience---I'll keep that in mind.

    -----Original Message-----


    Chris Scott


    Thursday, July 24, 2003 10:50 AM



    Subject: My home phone number

    I just got a call from [Old Friend] from your congregation (big surprise! I don't think I've talked to her in 20 years!), and she said you gave her my home phone number. I love hearing from old friends, but in the future I'd prefer that you get their phone number and give it to me, because when I give out my home phone number I usually let people know that my husband works nights and not to call early in the morning. (She woke him up and he gave her my work number.)


    I think I'm going to say something discreetly to the Office Manager and see if I can get her to send around a firm e-mail about not giving out personal info from the firm address list. That should reinforce the message.


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    I'll keep that in mind.

    So she drops the big "I'll take that under advisement" on you huh? Well take this under advisement Sugar Plum, if you give out MY phone number again without MY permission you shall be hearing from me! And your firm's HR department shall hear from me as well.

    I'll keep that in mind. >GRRRRRRR<

    calm blue ocean,

    calm blue ocean,

    calm blue ocean,

  • ashitaka
    Well take this under advisement Sugar Plum

    Sugar plum!!!

    LOLOL @ BT.


  • calamityjane

    Nina, good e-mail but I think I would have made her sweat a little.

    That's what get's my temper to rise in the boiling degrees, is that the jw's think that they can do whatever they want if it fits with their theocratic agenda.

    I too work in a law firm, we under no circumstances give out phone numbers, cell numbers or addresses of employees or lawyers, to anyone outside of the office. If somebody does request it, we go that person and ask if its okay.

    There is a jw that works in my office for a lawyer, not associated with our firm, he rents space in our office, and she works for him. She was a good friend of mine, but we don't talk anymore because of my shunning. But if I ever heard anything that got back to me about what I do in the office, such as enjoying employee birthday cake (I do all the ordering of the birthday cakes and bring them into the office ), christmas parties, etc. I would make sure her a$$ was out the door. She couldn't move fast enough for me to kick it out the door.

    Yes Nina you struck a nerve, you are being to kind to this jw co-worker.



  • calamityjane

    Yeah! Big Tex. I like your attitude, that's the same way I feel.

    cj of the "no I don't want a valium just give me a big bat class"

  • cruzanheart

    After I got the e-mail, I went down and personally talked to the Office Manager and asked her to send a firm-wide e-mail on the subject of confidentiality. Instead, she is going to bring the subject up at the next Quarterly Staff Meeting, which is on Wednesday. (Darn it, I won't be at work that day!) She is very direct and very mindful of the laws regarding confidentiality, so I have no doubt she'll make Co-Worker squirm and definitely "keep it in mind." (She's also a good friend and has been a real shoulder to cry on during my departure from the JWs and my dad's death. I pity any Witness who shows up on her doorstep!)

    In view of Sugar Plum's response, I agree that I was WAY too nice! I won't make that mistake again.


  • Mecurious?

    the same one who, months ago when I started telling people I was no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses, told me I could believe what I want but "don't make trouble for the rest of us"

    Sounds like a setup indeed. Apparently she see's no problem starting trouble for you. She knows full well that things could escalate from here on out. Yep, you were a tad bit nicer than I would have been. But of course I think your a real sweetheart, esp. with all you've been through.

    Do you think she's purposely trying to start trouble for you? I mean does she seem genuinely nice? Or, do you think she was doing what a typical, twisted, brain washed Jw would do to encourage you? I know it makes no difference in the long run. Just curious...


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