I think I'm about to become a victim of an "intervention"

by cruzanheart 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • cruzanheart
    But of course I think your a real sweetheart

    Awwwww, thanks, Merc!

    I don't know what to think of her -- she's really quiet and comes off as a bit shy and awkward. Back when I was "in" she invited me and Big Tex to a cool art show/open house at her husband's furniture showroom, which was kind of fun. Yet her phone conversation with me and her response to my e-mail sounds, well, rather snotty. As I said before, we were never just the best of friends before I went out, more of the nodding-acquaintance-and-small-talk-in-the-ladies'-room sort of thing, and that didn't really change after our phone conversation. I tend to think she's not actively trying to get me in trouble, but my name probably came up in conversation and I'm sure it seemed like a brilliant idea to have an old friend "encourage" me. I'd just as soon have our relationship stay cool and distant at work.

    Oh, my God, I think I'm . . . . I'm . . . . a RETURN VISIT!!! Hmmm, should I start with the child abuse issues or my dad's suicide first? Decisions, decisions.


  • TresHappy

    Oh cruzan, I see the red flags all over this. I can't believe she gave out your number, that's always Rule #1 of the never to do's w/o the permission of the person (especially in an office setting.) Perhaps she figures "in the name of Jehovah" she can bypass man's rules in favor of "saving you."

    Reminds me of that Watchtower article years ago about the person who saw the private medical records of a JW she knew who had an abortion and the Society said "you must break man's rules for God's" or something like that. I remember thinking then nothing was safe from the prying eyes of the nosy elders.

  • SisterLiz

    Oh boy, I feel for you girl. My mom was actually a victim of an intervention lately. Can you believe that there are some JW's that periodically drive in front of my parents house and slow down to spy on them? I know this sounds paranoid but I've actually seen some of them do it. We've left the "truth" a few years ago. I've since had a child and my mom thought it would be cool to celebrate Halloween for the first time ever for my daughter. She actually put a paper Witch on the door and I carved a pumpkin and put it on the front steps. I remember as a child I was jealous of all those kids who seemed to be having tons of fun in their costumes while I just sat at my dark window and watched. Anyway, someone saw all these decorations and reported it to an elder. Two days later the elder showed up at my mom's front door and began lecturing her. I've never been more proud of my mother. She sent him packing and he hasn't bothered her since. My advice, don't let them get a word in edgewise. Cut them off at the pass and tell them to leave you alone, even if you have to use an aggressive tone. Sometimes that's the only thing that works. Hope it goes well.

  • cruzanheart

    Hey, welcome to the forum, SisterLiz! And thanks for the advice. (You too, Tres Happy!) So far no one has bothered us from the local congregations (I don't think they've noticed that I left), but I don't want any aggravation at work, especially since, FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER, I plan to attend the firm holiday party!! Whee!!!



    Welcome SisterLiz, glad to see your post on the forum.

    Cruzanheart: after reading the replies on these already 2 pages (yours included), I think I'm with most folks when they suspect a set-up.

    It's easy to become suspicious, especially what you've been through with respects to Dad.

    The letter/e-mail, is a good idea. Short n' sweet.

    I guess we'll have to see what happens. Damn them if they try to pull a fast one on you.

    Best to you Cruzanheart & Big Tex (of the don't wake me up early class).

  • onacruse


    Do you want me to hide in the bushes and ambush them with a super soaker and Mormon literature?

    LOLOL Will that melt them, like the "wicked witch of the west"? Craig

  • Ravyn
    My advice, don't let them get a word in edgewise. Cut them off at the pass and tell them to leave you alone, even if you have to use an aggressive tone. Sometimes that's the only thing that works.


    (in case anyone is wondering.....

    http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/55987/1.ashx )


  • mustang

    Taking a bit here & there...

    "If there is any potential for such damage, I would add a mild threat to the response recommended above such as: "or else I'm not afraid to take legal recourse." "


    "If it is a setup and they start asking the classic questions (Do you still consider yourself to be a JW?), just remember, you don't have to answer."


    In "synthesis" of these two views, I might say "good question; I consider myself a student of the law and a Civil Rights litigator; you want to be next?" :)

    Don't give them a straight answer, but do scare the S*** out of them!!!


  • Billygoat

    Grrrr! My blood is boiling just reading this!

    In view of Sugar Plum's response, I agree that I was WAY too nice! I won't make that mistake again.

    Yes, I think you were WAY too nice as well. Unfortunately, I would not have been. You work with me and give out MY personal information, you'll have fire and fury raining down on you AND a major confrontation at the office. Ooooweeee! I would be HOT! But I don't think it's too late to "reiterate" to your co-worker how uncool this. I would cooly walk by her desk and tell her exactly "how serious" you were about the email. And that if it happens again, you will be filing a personnel complaint against her. She wouldn't want to bring reproach on Jehovah by doing something illegal, would she? She could have the whole office turn against Jehovah by her irreputable behavior - never to be trusted again. Does she think she's making a good witness by doing this?

    I'm still mad thinking about this.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    I'm still steamed about it this afternoon. This is the SECOND time this woman has done this. I don't want to make trouble for Nina at her job, but I can promise you that if her HR department does not address this to my satisfaction and that means this woman or her little cult cohorts will NEVER call my house again, or I will take action.

    My big regret is that I didn't insist on making a scene the first time she called and harassed Nina. I let it go then, I won't let this go.

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