Good luck ((((((Lawence))))))).
by SHUNNED FATHER 39 Replies latest jw friends
Yes I add my best wishes & the best of luck also...
I strongly feel that Larry has a good case. Her Honour's comments are outstanding and really show just how dangerous a JW can be when looking after their children (ie. they let someone else think and tell them what to do).
Also in the Vicki Boer decision we have a judge telling the world that JWs have NO FREE WILL and must follow, not what the parents say, but what the elders and church say.
Larry can use that to his advantage as well.
All in all though - I wish I could bring this family back together. They went through a horrible situation and the WTS made it worse for them in a time where they needed peace and help from the medical community.
I hope one day that Larry's wife takes off the rose coloured glasses and sees that natural whole blood transfusions occur all the time in this big old world. And if Jehovah God allows that then maybe just maybe it was okay to give her daughter a life saving blood transfusion.
Good work Larry in getting this into the press. You in the west and Vicki in the east have really given the WTS a bad name lately. I just hope both of you can financially recover.
Simon and mods,
I feel strongly that IW's remarks should be deleted from this thread.
I think she is trying to give her point of view. I don't know if it is the correct point but then again I don't know if I always give the correct point either at times.
Elborate a little.
You have a father who has been through hell and is now trying to save his second daughter from a cult. And then someone posts immediately after the father of the dead girl and call the fathers actions sick and disgusting? I have a problem with that but then I guess I am always on the fringes of society.
Yeah I see your point.
But I, for one, think she does have a right to say it just like you have the right to be disgusted with her comments.
Yes I do think Island Women could have offered some support to Larry seeing all of what has happened to him though.
I also note that Larry has kinda asked, in public, that his wife be charged under s. 217 to 220 of the Criminal Code of Canada. To some that is outrageous seeing their daughter did die of natural causes.
I believe a charge of assualt under the CC of C could be thought up seeing the wife did try to pull the IV tube out of the daughter. I think that was what Larry could have said.
I will think about your request some more Jack.
termite 35
"I really don't see what this (Hughes' allegations) has to do with a divorce. This is about difference between a husband and a wife. In that sense, I think the children should be left out of it," she says. "This is about a couple who don't agree anymore, but who still love their children, and the children shouldn't be put in the middle
(((((Shunned Father)))))i'm so sorry to see read that you're going to have to go through even more; Loosing a daughter must be a pain beyond description; and now this...
I hope your suggestion of cult therapy is noted and acted upon- interesting idea...
as for the above quote;
It's sad to see that your wife really seems to believe that this is and ever could be, just between the two of you.
When a parent's judgement concerning the welfare of their child is flawed the courts are there to create a reasonable viewpoint based on all the information available to them- not based on the doctrine of an obscure sect. .
I know the WTBS feels that they are above the law as 'god's' representitives- but if they really do want to be part of that 'relgious community' they seem so keen to associate with when it suits them to appear mainstream...they're going to have to do a little more doctrine tweaking.
All the best for the future SF xxxxxxx
I believe a charge of assualt under the CC of C could be thought up seeing the wife did try to pull the IV tube out of the daughter. I think that was what Larry could have said.
Wasn't it actually Bethany who tried to pull the tubes out, and not her mother?
But anyway, what I really wanted to say was:
My family lost a child to the blood doctrine. He was a teen, he refused blood, his parents being JWs supported his decision, he was declared a mature minor by the court and he died. Shunned Father's daughter got a chance, she was given the blood my relative had no chance at all.
If his parents had read that article they would have been cut to heart. They are now exJWs but the pain and loss of their child lives in front of them everyday. They suffer, should they now also be charged with neglect? That would be so horrible, so debased.
To all JW parents: If you teach your child the blood doctrine be very sure you truly believe it because some day your child may follow through on what you taught them. "Train up a boy according to the way for him; even when he grows old he will not turn aside from it." Pro.22:6 How many times did we have that scripture drummed into our heads, it is very true. Religion cannot be turned on and off like a switch.
Most JWs are not monsters, they are believers of what most us also once believed. That is not a crime!
This mother has suffered enough don't you think? The whole family has suffered enough. Now Shunned Father wants to force his other daughter to live with him, a father who wants to charge her mother with criminal neglect for doing what they all had been trained to do years ago.
Shunned Father lost a daughter, but so did his wife. Shunned Father now wants to charge his wife with a crime. The crime of what? Doing what he himself also once believed?
If you feel my first post on this thread violated a forum rule or is in some way harmful then please go ahead and delete it. I would ask though that this second post remain.
Thank you,