Boy, I'm just a ball of interest tonight... eh....
*****How anyone could have been a JW and taught others the JW doctrine but now as exJWs do not understand why JWs sacrifice their children is beyond my capability to understand. Why belong to such a demanding religion if you don't really believe it? (I am not speaking about Shunned Father but about some exJWs who now say they would never have let their children die when they were JWs.) *****
I do understand how you can have one understanding of a situation, and suddenly have another...It's called changing your mind... It doesn't need to be more sofisticated than that.... We do it all the time... I know/knew someJWs who felt (on the quiet of course) they could/would not let their children die.... or themselves for that matter. Actually, it happens, and more frequently than you think.... JWs just don't get to hear about those cases... and those that are active and do this don't broadcast it...The WT views those as failures....they don't promote or supply that kind of information... So if ex jws say now, that they would never have let their children die... I would beleive them...
*****All baptized adults, who attended meetings and participated in field service also gave their tacit support to the blood doctrine. All the children in their hall could rightly think that brother or sister so and so also believes that to take blood is against God's law. How could we as adults not recognize the need to be damn sure what we are, who we are and what we teach?*****
Most JWs have their reasoning faculty deliberately impaired... That's what happens when an organisation uses mind control techniques...They can't make damn sure because others make the decision for them. This is the nature of coercion... That's why it's so insidious... that's why it's so dangerous.... Also, the WT makes sure that they work to impair a persons ability to make an alternative choice especially in the midst of those dire situations.. Do you think those brothers and sisters who stay with the patient are there to just keep them company? ... This blood doctrine/policy is strictly enforced. I know this first hand... JWs are known to take advantage of leniencies on the part of medical staff, gaining personal information about the sick JW without benefit of the medical staff knowing if they are immediate family or not... JWs stay continually with the patient making it difficult for the patient to see their doctor in privacy and out of earshot of the "enforcers".... JWs, if displaying signs that are construed as weaknesses are guilted into complying with the doctrine.... all this happens under the guise of support and friendship... It's a very difficult for someone who is impaired in their judgement to deal with.... The answer to this is legal recognition of the true circumstances... It's the only way to ensure that those who cannot choose for themselves get the protection they need... but I have to tell you, it's tricky as heck to establish it legally...
***** It is hard for me to understand that some baptized adults just sat around a KH not believing the blood doctrine. This is life and death, wake up people and take responsibility for your actions, if you as adults sat at the KH and gave any kind of support to the Tower you also sanctioned the Blood Doctrine. Silence is not golden in this case it is complicity. *****
There are lots of JWs that sit in the KH and don't beleive the blood doctrine, or the generation teaching, or the chronology... etc... For all the WTs bluster and warning... it's been on the news, it's been on the internet and it's been changed so many times that some "believers" just don't beleive that particular issue anymore. They don't talk about it publicly, but, maybe they've made arrangements with their doctor... or they don't carry the blood card with them... they don't sign powers of attorney over to the WT... etc... The significant threat of being excommunicated is a powerful deterrent for many to go know that people could lose their families, marriages, businesses, etc... I don't agree that sitting at the KH, or supporting some but not all of the doctrines means tacit agreement or complicity on the part of the individual... it does mean fear, a very justified one...I don't think that in all cases a person needs to make a public stand... some people's entire stability in life is so tied up with others, especially family in the religion. The horrendous aftermath can't be endured by everyone... I remember what it was like being inside... I remember the shock of realizing I had been duped...controlled... I consider it a violation of my person...but I considered the matter and chose to accept the consequences.... but my consequences didn't involve my family... none of them were JWs....I think if they were, my decisions or my methods may have been different...
*****The fact of our previous support for the Watchtower Blood Doctrine cannot be annulled, every JW adult is responsible for supporting the Blood Doctrine. We all did, if not by word then by silence.*****
This is tantamount to a life sentence being imposed on someone for being manipulated, coerced and misled... The punishment doesn't fit the crime here...Many here did support the doctrine in ignorance... I was one of them....I don't agree that can't be "annulled"... that is your opinion... a pretty hard line to take... but given your experience... I can understand why you would choose that position, but I can't agree with it... there is a huge difference in intention... and intention has to be considered if condemning/judging another person... JWs are victims too.. caught up in a business that abuses people.. many of them had no choice and have no experience outside the Borg... Being vulnerable to mind control is not a crime... It's a victimization...I think the only recourse we have under such circumstances is availability of information and legal. The first is what this place is all about... the latter is very difficult in the face of freedom of religion...which I beleive needs to be more clearly defined and regulated... and also constitutional freedoms and rights...are a matter to be strongly considered... it's going to take some time to work this out especially because of cults with large legal departments and intelligence gathering departments...
Just my two....again... lol