When you post here, do you feel that you that you can make a positive difference in someone's life? Or is this place just a spot to hang with your friends?
Do You Think That As A Poster You Can Make A Difference In Someone's Life?
by minimus 30 Replies latest jw friends
I think we all contribute something to each other. People's responses to my thread yesterday about someone at work giving out my phone number were VERY helpful to me. I love reading other people's experiences about getting out or dealing with JWs who pop up on their doorstep, opinions on theology and thong underwear, and everything else. I may never know if I personally will make a difference in anyone's life, but if I do, that's great! All of you have definitely made a difference in mine.
Nina -
Maybe if I were a poster child....say for birth control.
I'm sure some posters have made a difference to my life. It's good to know that others have experienced similar situations to yourself.
Great question!
I used to come here for support and to let off steam. Now I come to laugh, learn and have a good time with those that understand what we all have been through.
It is nice to see that others are able to move on and let go of the guilt. Sometimes the process is so hard and we stay in a set frame of mind even tho we haven't attended in years until one day there is that post that maybe we have been waiting for. Some post that explains what we have had to go through or thought about.
Sometimes we don't think our posts make a difference so why bother posting. After learning and sharing we finally do make it. We finally let go and move on.
We can only hope!
I do think that we have a great opportunity to utilize this forum and truly help people to learn the truth. Of course, I think it's wonderful that we can tell funny stories, share our pain and happiness, talk about trivial things, but I feel that this board is probably helping more persons than we may know. Anytime we post, we MAY be helping someone get out of the Witness religion. My aim is to help persons THINK about what they believe, what type of mind control they are in, and why Jehovah's Witnesses do not have the real "truth". Minimus questions and threads are usually designed with that in mind. Every once in a while, I seem to get persons remarking that I have a bad motive or agenda that is not for the help of the posters and lurkers here. Nothing could be farther from the truth! That's why we need to see how we all can think about the possibilities of helping those that are trapped in this religion.
For sure. This poster made a difference in my life !
Hi Minimus,
Yes I believe all of us who post here can make a difference, hopefully for the good.
Personally I know I read and benefited from lots of things I found on the old H2O board and on JWD long before I started to post. I am sure that many others would say the same and there is no reason not to assume that there are hundreds of hits that this board has each day from ones who are finding out what they can about the WTBTS and us XJW's.
Initially most of us come here to help ourselves but with time and knowledge that changes to an ability to help others.
I hope my comments never upset anyone and if they do I would hope that they would email me personally to sort it out.
run dont walk
well, it can't hurt, believe it or not I have been pm'd a few times from newbies thanking me for my posts and comments, so I may of never brought anyone into JW land, but I may of helped a few get out, aaaaaahhhhhhhhh, the power of the internet!