Would you?

by donkey 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • donkey

    Scenario 1: If you could guarantee that you would not get caught would you steal a million dollars?

    Scenario 2: If you could guarantee that you would not get caught would you steal a million dollars from the WTBS?

    Scenario 3: If you could guarantee that you would not get caught would you steal a million dollars from a bank?

    Scenario 4: If you could guarantee that you would not get caught would you steal a million dollars from a charity that helps starving people?

    Jack who says: depends, yes, yes, depends

  • StinkyPantz

    Yes, Yes, Yes, Maybe

  • teenyuck

    No, No, No, and No.

    I would feel guilty and end up telling someone then end up in jail or blackmailed.

  • Hamas

    Yes to all.

    My soul is prepared, how's yours ?


  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    No on all counts. Wickedness lurks within the governing laws and practises of institutions.If you stole that money Innocent Individuals would suffer. Now if a man was drunk and knocked down and killed my kid, that would be different, I would execute him in an instant in accordance with my view of justice.

  • primitivegenius





    1 i would depend on where the money was from and who would suffer for not having it there.

    3 same thing as one.............. if it was insured and all that definately lol but if it hurt one single person besides just not having as fat a bank account then no. if it was the banker whos accounts were fat anyways............ then hey why not....... i wouldnt keep the money or anything lol id distribute it out to those i knew who were in need.......... of course id have to set myself up a bit.

    4 no way shape or form..................... never nope forgettttabout it impossible. if i took it from 1-3 id prolly donate some to such orgnizations if i trusted them or just do the good work myself.

    tho i prefer to fantasize about winning it or something lol

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    And if a vandal smashed my car window on a Saturday night spree I would burn his house to the ground. I always seek to repay injury ten fold.

  • StinkyPantz

    I figure the WTBS owes me about a million and banks are insured, then again I might just be greedy.

  • Simon

    No, Yes, No, No

  • Hamas

    More fool everybody that answers no , more fool you !!!!

    muwuhahahahahahahahahah !!!!!

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