Thank You all

by plmkrzy 69 Replies latest jw friends

  • DannyBear


    I have only one and intently listen to the recording of the talk 'Listening to the Voice of Strangers' recently posted here.

    Listen to the brother's voice, his tone and inflections, the underlying fear, anxiety this organization keeps its adherants living with.

    I remember giving talks like that. I remember squelching my own revulsion for the words assigned for me to say. Always reminding myself that IT COMES FROM JEHOVAH/ORG, so I must do it with conviction to help the brother's.

    In fact the real wake up call came one Sunday while delivering the public talk. My 'assigned subject' my 'assigned outline' was on Jesus's Sermon on the Mount. As I basicaly recited the societies interpretation of what Jesus meant by his became crystal clear to me that Jesus words had no such meaning or application. It was a huge leap, a blatant attempt to assign his words as applying to jw's. It was the begining of the end for me.

    What happens on this tiny little board, involving people we do not really know, for good or bad, has little to do with the reality of returning to a religion. Any religion.

    If you can listen to that talk......all the way through........and visualize yourself sitting in that KH again, without the slightest hint of revulsion, then perhaps you will make it back.

    But remember after the first blush of honey dripping well wishers, that will swarm around your return. That within a very short period of time, you will be right smack dab back into the midst of backstabing, bickering, gossip, and ill will, that any forced close association of human beings seems to generate.

    Just like you have experience on these boards.

    I hope you really listen to that talk.......that is what your heading back to.

    Whatever you decide.......I wish the best to you.


  • Amazing

    Hi Plmkrzy,

    I went back and checked you last few posts trying to understand what would make you want to go back to the Kingdom Hall. You made many good points, expecially about the feeling of not fitting in anywhere. But I saw nothing that would suggest inyour thoughts that going back to the Kingdom Hall was an option for you. Here is what I found from your comments that stood out:

    We are NOT ALL LIKE MINDED DAMN IT! For gods sake if we cannot all feel like we fit in, especially in a place where we have gone BECAUSE WE COULD NOT FIT IN AT THE KINGDOM HALL, then what in the hell are we supposed to do?

    I , we, understand the difficulty of not fitting in after leaving the JWs ... I am still trying to find my own niche ... just when I think I have, then something happens to remind me that I am not quite there yet.

    But go back to the Kingdom Hall? Why? Many do not like to encourage or discourage anyone from being a JW or to be a JW ... I respect that ... but I am the opposite. I feel terrible that people become JWs, I feel worse when anyone goes back to the Kingdom Hall ... and I feel bad that the religion even exist at all.

    If you are going back because you basically believe the religion, then that is something you must do ... but ... If you are going back just to have friends, but otherwise "fake" your acceptance of the religion, then please don't go. It only delays the inevitable, the ultimate consequence of emotional pain that comes with that type of friendship ... it will make it worse.

    Instead, I hope you will reconsider building new friends and a new life that does not include the JWs. The best time to start is now. If you need to talk privately, please E-Mail me at [email protected] and I will give you my phone number. Thanks. - Jim W.

  • siegswife

    (((Plum))) Don't go! You have a pm.


  • teenyuck


    Don't go back. It's not that bad. This is just a DB.

    It is not worth it!


  • wednesday


    . It is hard to try and make friends in the 'world" after being a jw my entire life. But it is not just us or them, as Tex pointed out. I have always like your posts. i will never forget i once posted about if i died today who would come to my funeral. u posted to me and helped me feel so much better.

    JWS make it so easy to have a social life, that is if u fit in with them. Not everyone does, and i'm sure u have read the posts where so many jws are outcasts and left to flounder . If u go back, u won't have free intechange of thought.

    It is so odd u post this now, i have been thinking of u for weeks and looking for your posts. I'm so sorry i have not been a better friend. I am sort of hampered b/c i am not offically out of the org. and sort of watching my back so i don't get outed. I hope one day not to have to live like this. But u know, everytime i think about going back to the hall, all the rotten things they have done to me and my family come back to my mind and i stop that thought.

    This board is full of people form all walks of life. Some are very discourged about jws and b/c of that regect all religion.I don't feel that way. I know God still exists and and i believe it is HE that is reminding me when i have those thougts of going back. I cannnot go back to a org. that supports child molesters and rapits. I cannot go back to an org that treats so many as outcasts.

    they are not true friends plum. I don't think u will ever feel the same after seeing the other side.

    Hoping u will give this some more thought. My PM is open.


  • gumby
    But remember after the first blush of honey dripping well wishers, that will swarm around your return. That within a very short period of time, you will be right smack dab back into the midst of backstabing, bickering, gossip, and ill will, that any forced close association of human beings seems to generate

    What I am afraid of is the plummer coming to her senses again AFTER she goes back. Then what happens? All of these wellwishers will reject you all fresh and new again and she will once again be hurt by their actions.

    She will also break the hearts...again..... of those who were elated by her coming back to them.

    I'm afraid the second go around will turn out worse than the first. Didn't Joelbear go through the same crap?


  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire


    I think your going back to the KH is a temperary solution. All that you now know about the lies and deceptions of the WT, will make your return more of an eye opener for you. In time you will grow weary of the hypocrisy and spiritual junk food.

    We all need friends and support, and the JWs maybe a temperary fix, in the process try to make friends of people outside the org too, so that if the JW's shun you, you have a support system that you can turn to so you won't be so lonely.

  • IslandWoman

    Hi Plum,

    Maybe it's not either/or. This DB is not real life, it's a cross between a cauldron and a warm fuzzy teddy bear. It's not real life. Perhaps you should take a break from this place and look outside the JW and exJW communities for a new life and new friends. I hope you find a third place for yourself and move on from the JW and exJW world.

    I know many exJWs have done just that. They don't post on exJW boards or even look for association with exJWs, they have left it all behind. I hope you find a third place for yourself, please try before you go back!


  • bigboi

    Hey Plum,

    I pretty much echo Dannybear's sentiments. Pretty much anywhere you go you are going to run into ppl who will be assholes. It's a fact of life. The Tower brainwashed alot of us into thinking that somewhere on this planet there is some emotional utopia that we can find if we sell enough books, put in a certain number of hours, or spend enough time studying colorfully illustrated theology comic books. However we need toface the fact that sucha place does not exist. Instead of continuing to look for this perfect place where the ppl and surroundings always make us feel good, we should accept life for what it is and know that feeling good depends mostlyon what's going on inside of us.

    Whatever it is you decide to do, I wish you the best.


  • talesin
    am going through some rough things right now and could use some friends


    pm me if you want. there's other ways of getting thru hard times and making friends.


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