Yes, I agree the JW's are hard to work with, but I have found they are not the only ones. The last job I had I worked with a bunch of Baptists who went to the same church. They were the most viscious gossiping bunch of people. I live in a town the second question out of everyones mouth is where do you go to church. Personal questions? That is all anyone does here ask questions, gossip, and go to WalMart. I no longer go to JW, but I think all organized religion sucks.
Should have seen the signs...
by breal 30 Replies latest jw experiences
Czar - She's not my type
Brwn eyes- Who knows maybe she has never been able to talk with a real live DF'd person before. I don't want to shut her down to early as she may have some valid questions for me. Maybe it will open her eyes to the fact that we are not all slaves to the .
Jgnat - Yep she was pretty judgemental - but not sure if that is necessarily a JW trait or just a personal trait (or perhaps a combination of those and her age) since she has poor social skills with all people in the office.
Six - When were were at lunch she mentioned that her MS husband got talked to about streaking his hair (highlights or whatever) and was told he would have no priviledges until it grew out. I was sitting there wondering since when did the bible speak out against stuff like that? And I noticed two people at the table next to us give her a strange look. It was kinda funny. She also mentioned how her & her husband were "talked to" by the elders about public displays of affection (they were holding hands at a meeting one week before they got engaged)...again a look from the party next to us. I stated how ridiculous that was considering to them marriage was imminent or at least a forgon conclusion in there minds.
Rockon - I am ok with typical get to know you kind of questions as that is a part of any new environment but after a while when it becomes more interogation style or preachy I get my back up.
Mike Ferguson
Interesting story. I work at the Doubletree Guest Suites here in Boston and the other day in the locker room I heard someone whistling "This Good News of the Kingdom". My eyes widened and I looked up. Thank god it was some guy I don't know from the Food & Beverage department. Its awkward working with a Witness I imagine. When I was a Witness I used to imagine how awkward it would be to work with someone disfellowshipped. I guess it goes both ways.
At least she sounds like a Witness who is somewhat independent. If I were her and found out about you, it would have made me very nervous. I was a stickler for doing everything by the book. If she's nice, don't get her in trouble. Maybe one day she'll be posting her story here, you never know. Many of us could have been her at one time.
MikePS - I used to be a regular pioneer, and I would get at least 15-20 minutes "time" in by doing letter territory during "Price Is Right" commercials. I knew all the tricks! It took me about 30 minutes to handwrite a letter, and at one desperate time where I was short on time, I contimplated the honesty of photocopying the letters and counting 30 minutes per photocopy.... My mother disapproved.
I am sorry, I guess the point I was trying to make is that I live in the Bible Belt with a different church on just about every corner. The jw's have not cornered the market on rudeness. Different people from all religions not only ask personal questions, but they tend to get into your business. I was even stalked when I went to a new job by one of the Baptist's I worked with. I am not trying to downplay this, but I do understand what you have went through.
Country Girl
When I encountered JW's in the work place, at first, I tried to convince them their religion was a lie. It was a big mistake. They are programmed to "not argue" with you, even though they ask YOU to examine your religion, and say they are free to examine theirs. Yes, sir. You can examine the holes in your religion, but don't ask them to examine the holes in theirs. At least don't ask them to do it with literature other than their own. The best thing to do is just what Gary B. says and say a nice polite hello and get on with your business. You're not there to convert them, and you don't want to. You are there to have a nice time, and that's all your concerned with. You're done with them. You can lay some hints with your behavior, and a fresh smile, but really... why waste your time?
Everyone knows that an addict can't be helped unless they want to help themselves. A JW cant be helped unless they already have doubts and are questioning. Otherwise, you can't force them to. In fact, if you FORCE them to, they'll only think it's persecution and just another indication of the time of the end. YOu only encourage them that way. That's why I've given up. If my relatives want to find the TRUTH, they will. I leave hints around all the time. They can take them or not.
Mike - funny story about the pioneer days. Yeah - I figure she is probably just as uncomfortable as me - thus I am just leaving it be.
Rock On - No worries. I understood what you were saying. It was just a new experience for me so thought I would share. Plus people here tend to have great suggestions.
CG - Good point. I am leaving the ball in her court. If she has questions I will try to answer them but I am not up for any big religious debates as like ya said it is a waste of time. I hope though that by her seeing how I am it may enlighten her to the fact that not all DF'd people are evil. Then again if it doesn't - oh well.
She even said she loves that the society is humble enought to admit when they are wrong about teachings and adjust them - but not adjust them too much to just be like "the world" ....
You should answer in TRUE JW FASHION by asking a question and letting them answer it.
"Would you agree that the bible writers were imperfect humans?" To which of course she will say YES. "And would you agree that they had gods holy spirit upon them?" Again YES. "Do you have any reason to believe that they wrote things down slightly wrong the first time and Jehovah had to tell them YEARS later to correct it?" NO. "Well then if the bible writers could get it right the first time with the help of gods holy spirit despite being imperfect humans, why can't the society get it right the first time if they truly have gods holy spirit?" I think the response here will be SILENCE.
Now I can't wait to see if in the days to come her attitude and her demeanor at work change any since I am in the know as to her religion
Breal, sorry that you had to go through this at your place of employment. Yes, her demeanor and attitude towards you will change.
I had a similar experience at one of the radio stations I used to work at. It's funny, this gal (not in my department but in administration) never acted like a witness and I had no reason to suspect that she was. She used to come into the studio and hang out while I did my air shift. Then one day the topic got around to religion. I mentioned that I was a former witness and you wouldn't believe the expression that came across her face. I knew at that moment what the skinny was. She asked me if I was DF'd or DA'd. I told her neither and that I had done the fade.
This woman stopped talking to me and started to avoid me. Then I found out that she was talking crap behind my back. She was trying to get me fired. Fortunately, my ratings were high enough that I wasn't affected by her smear campaign.
Watch your back.
"Why don't you want to live forever?"
Yep, they assume that just because a person is no longer interested in being a jw, they don't want life or wish to live forever.
Breal, I certainly don't envy you, having to work with two jws and thus be judged, scrutinized, and monitored 5 days per week. I hope that's really not what it will be like, but knowing jws.....
When were were at lunch she mentioned that her MS husband got talked to about streaking his hair (highlights or whatever) and was told he would have no priviledges until it grew out.
She also mentioned how her & her husband were "talked to" by the elders about public displays of affection (they were holding hands at a meeting one week before they got engaged)
I guess she doesn't yet realize that the Pharisees are alive and well and teaching in jw congregations all around the world.
again a look from the party next to us.
Yep, to average everyday people the jws sure do sound cultish.