Prisca...................all I can say is that firstly you need to find a man who will be strong and supportive, and make sure he is mentally stable. You'll need him to have those qualities to help you in bringing up kids.
You need a man to get pregnant, but more importantly you'll need him to be there as the kids grow up.
Yes, you can do it on your own, but it is much better as a couple.
IMHO, it is a huge job. I did it on my own for a long time and while the kids were little it was physically demanding. But as they got older the challenges became bigger and were more emotionally and mentally demanding.
Seriously, it's not an easy thing, bringing up kids. I've had many tears and much heartache. Sure, you love them, but it's not about love. It's about the reality of the problems you WILL face. Drugs are a huge problem in our society today and they really mess our kids up. That is the biggest problem in our family. Drugs bring into your home violence, lying, stealing, abuse, anger and madness. Are you prepared for that? Sure, not everyone ends up with a drug problem.......but it is very prevelant and from my personal experience there is more chance of it happening than not.
Some people have pets and when they lose them they refuse to have anymore because of the pain. It's not that they suddenly don't like pets, they just don't want the pain again.
For me parenting has been a difficult time. I guess I wish I could be more enthusiastic, and maybe in time I will.............but for the things I'm going through now, I suggest thinking long and hard about having kids. I have 3 kids and only one has a drug problem........the others are fine, yet the one can upset the whole family and we all suffer.
That's why I said 1st find a dependable don't need to pre-empt too much, just fall in love and then whatever happens, you'll cope because you love eachother. Whether you end up having kids or not, you'll still be happy.
I really do love my kids Prisca, but it hasn't been what I hoped for.
Cheers, Bliss