When a young JW Teen ( 13-16) Disassociates themselves, or is disfellowshipped, will the parents kick them out of the house? or are they required to let them stay?
Every set of parents are different, I like the point made "depends on how strong in the religion the parents are.", growing up in the borg, I saw young people/friends get thrown out because they had enough of JW land. This may of made me stay a bit longer then I wanted too, I was 17/18 no job, no money, I would sit at the Kingdom Hall dreaming/fantasizing "how am I gonna get out of here". You would hope that parents would still try to help their children as much as possible, but in my family this didn't happened, I to this day still ask my parents "At what point in your life, did the Watchtower become more important than your children." I have yet to get an answer after 18 years. It's like they try to make life as tough as possible, hoping you will come crawling back to the Kingdom Hall, and saying that famous JW line "this is what happens when you leave the organization.", But I made it (it wasn't easy), I have more money and property then my family put together and it bugs the sh-- out of them.
would they still treat that person like a member of the family until he or she is ready or old enough to leave the house? then shun them? or will the kids HAVE to leave the house? if they are DA or DF, are the parents still allowed to have contact with their children?
Once again, some will, some won't, I have read some many experiences on this board, about people who have not seen family or grandkids in 20 years because of JW land. If they allow the person to stay then yes, they would still treat them half decently, and once you leave it's like you were never born or exist. Makes you wonder how the people at the Watchtower sleep at night, any parent who would shun their own children because they don't believe in the Watchtower should be slapped.
I don't know if this helps much, but if you have more concerns feel free to PM me, anytime,