I remember reading it in a Watchtower or Awake a few years ago while staying with JW relatives. Damn should have taken it to use against them.
by closer2fine 11 Replies latest jw friends
I remember reading it in a Watchtower or Awake a few years ago while staying with JW relatives. Damn should have taken it to use against them.
It was the QFR article in the Dec 15, 2001 Watchtower.
It basically encourages the believing wife to do what her unbelieving husband requests of her at holiday time (including buying gifts and wrapping for them, cooking a meal - which she would be doing anyway on any "ordinary" day - visiting with relatives) provided she does not commit an act of false worship.
If I remember correctly, it used the account of the three Hebrews - who went to the gathering where Nebuchadnezzar had the idol set up for worship, but respectfully refused to bow down to it - to illustrate that it was not necessary to be fanatical about avoiding absolutely everything to do with the holidays, in order to preserve some modicum of peace in the family.
Love, Scully