I have something to say

by LyinEyes 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • LyinEyes

    I have my reasons for not saying much on this thread and I really think the warning was put out there and it is up to you to trust Jes,,,,,,,,someone you have known a long damn time, or someone who has already been deceptive.

    I don't want to say anymore,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, my reasons are very important to me and there may be some that may want to PM me about this , if I feel I can trust them , I will answer questions. I will not answer some questions on this thread to protect a poster here whom I dont want to hurt , she is a sweet lady and he knows her well, I don't think she knows he is even on this forum.

    You all know me,,,,,,,,,,, you know Jes,,,,,,,,,,there is more to it than you think. I just don't see that putting it all on here will cause anything more than attacks on me or Jes for not understanding Prim. This again is not about him fading, riding the fence to me, I dont care. It is about deception and not being honest with you all.

    You know with so much stuff going on,,,,,,,,,,,,in my internet life here and eleswhere, I am almost ready to walk away from it all. I hate to do it because I really love this forum and others. But when people who know me , dont understand the situation,,,,,,and are left to wonder if I am overreacting or only seeing my side of it,,, hurts. Like I said this is not the only situation this week that this has happened in my life. I want so bad to tell all I know,,,,,,,,,,but I dont want to cause more hurt to anyone.

    Many I know are walking away from these boards or are taking a break. I don't know what to do,,,,,,,,,I wish I could say more and believe me I would........but there are other parties who I dont want hurt . Somethings you just can't say because you don't want some people involved to be hurt.

    Prim, has been lurker here awhile.......I feel really bad that another great poster , I wont say her name, is not here very much.........and I think he is the reason,,,,,,,,,, I know her from JWabout.com , as he met her. I don't know what is going on with her, but I am worried about her. Like I said she is not the only party that I would like to protect.

    But so many of you know I have poured my soul out on this board and some of you know me very well. I think those of you who know me that well will give me a PM and or email me [email protected] and we can talk.

    I promise you if you knew what I know,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,you would understand why we are hurt by what he did and what he is not telling you.

    I have to laugh at what he said about not "doing the things we were going to do".........lol..........he just didnt do it cause he doesnt like it. But .......... come on Prim,,,,,,,,,,,,,you have done worse than that . Being a hypocrite is not a good thing. And I dont like judgemental, better than thou , people.

    Dont look down on me ......... I have come along way in the my exit and I am not going to be made to feel that being an apostate is a something that is abhorant. You didnt say those words , but the way you said it hurt me,,,,,,and made me feel you felt you would not sink to that .

    I have my doubts that you are leaving the JW's, i dont care , not my business what you do.........just my opinon.

    The thing about apostates, real apostates is that they dont want any part of it anymore,,,,,,,for reasons that it ( the watchtower) is not the truth,,,,,,,, it is painful to lose your religion........there are some that just fade away so they can live a double life, and do the things that they know they are not allowed to do as JW's. But even with that,,,,,, I can understand , but I see why a person would do it. But please give me a break.................don't think you are a step up from us because you "aint no apostate" as you put it.

    I am proud to be one,,,,,,,,, I stand for what I feel is truth.

    I am sure I am going to be slammed for this,,,,,,,,,and I dont care right now. I was involved and didnt get to say much or reply after he did before the thread was locked.

    So out of respect for Simon locking the thread,,,,,,,,,,,,, I will understand if he locks this as soon as I write it or it goes out of hand ............please do,,,,,,dont let it go on and on........ I am sick of the pages of fights......I will talk personally to people if they want to ask me a question, but I can't do it publicly.

    For reasons that are very important.

    Feel free to contact me if you want to.......... and I really just tired of not being understood because I can't , or I wont say more than I have to......... I really don't want to hurt anyone. I will see where this goes ,,,,,,,and if things go from bad to worse, than maybe I just need to step away and take a break myself,,,,,,,, so many others are doing it too,,,,,,not to say I wont come back , but take a little time for myself and take a breather ya know.

    I love you all, and sincerely, hope this doesnt turn into an ugly mess .........just wanted to say a few things, and to let you know you can contact me if you want to.

    Love you all LyinEyes/Dede

  • Thunder Rider
    Thunder Rider


    not sure what the whole story is, but you sound like you needed a hug.


  • Bendrr

    There's two sides to every story. There's a lot to this little drama that hasn't been told.

    It should have been handled privately.


  • Double Edge
    Double Edge


    I too don't know what's going on, as I've only check in causually the past week or so, however, I feel I've got to know you for the year and a half that I've been on this board. You're one of the posters I enjoy reading because you a genuine. Whatever has happened, I'm sorry that you've been hurt. {{{{{{{big hug}}}}}}} Remember, "apostate" is only a word, one that only has power if a person gives it power. In fact, never being a JW, I look at the WTS as being "apostate"... but for me, who cares... they don't control my thoughts or my life.

    Take care... have a couple of margaritas (my relaxer), tomorrow's another day.


  • Brummie

    Lyin, you are one of the most genuine here, anyone who has been here a while will know the kind and genuine person you are.

    On the other thread no one disbelieved Jes, the issue was whether the crime was worth totally ruining a guys reputation over what could have been a misunderstanding. He was called a "snake & a Liar" (edited swear words out). Consequently he would lose a support network here and in his personal life, one that he needs right now. Thats a shame since everyone else involved has a support network amongst exjws. He needs one too. All I can say is I hope his crime (the undiclosed evidence) was worth the scathing rage and the now discrimination against him. If not its merely a assasination of character based on circumstancial evidence.

    I'm not saying he is innocent or undeserving of some sort of "vent" but rather whether he is THAT guilty to deserve 2 threads and a bad reputation.


  • Reborn2002


    I hope things iron out. Feel free to PM me.

  • Bendrr
    the issue was whether the crime was worth totally ruining a guys reputation over what could have been a misunderstanding. He was called a "snake & a Liar" (edited swear words out). Consequently he would lose a support network here

    Absolutely right, Brummie! This whole thing should have been solved privately. Jessika crossed the line with her thread. Jess, I know you're probably reading this but sorry that's the way I see it. Look at what we've got as the result. Nothing but a lot of anger and hurt feelings, including one "on the fence" JW who's probably never going to be seen here again. Why? Because it was aired publicly in a very angry and hurtful way. The "deception" was a one-on-one thing and the resolution should have been kept that way too.

    But instead he got called names and totally humiliated in public. Was Jessika humiliated in public? No. She was hurt in private. The only person who really got injured here was Prim. (bro, if you're reading this my email is [email protected] if you ever want to talk)


  • StinkyPantz

    All I can say is that we only got one side from Jes, and most people need two sides in order to come to a proper conclusion. Prim's character was slaughtered. He'll never be able to regain trust from anyone here. Jes is loved by many and I'm sure that many people believe her. So mission accomplished right? Also, her post was vague. We don't know what their private conversations were about. It's hard to judge someone based on second hand and unspoken knowledge. But hey, Jes has Simon's support. He allowed her comments. That's all that matters right? No more idscussion needed. Prim is a liar, that's what he'll be remembered as, no worries.

    Goodbye. . .

  • rockon

    wow, trouble in paradise. LOTS OF HUGS DEDE. ((((((((((((((((((((((((((DEDE)))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Dede has a lot of credibility with me. She is not someone who goes off on a wild goose hunt. If she says there is a problem, then I for one sit up and listen. I've known her, and WT, for some time now and they are two of the most level headed and aware people I know. In all candor I am troubled by the repeated references of "if you knew what I know". That indicates to me there is much more to this story than has been told so far. Dede is not someone who would throw that out lightly. Now what it is, and where this thing goes I don't know yet, but there it is clear that we do not know everything at this point in time.

    I am not suggesting a mob mentality one way or the other. However, I think this is a situation that bears more scrutiny than I thought at first.

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