Questions for hubsters or male significant others...

by Country Girl 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • SheilaM


    I say pick your battles, I love to wiggle my leg and I have chomped ice for years and still have beautiful teeth. Is that really your call, I know that pet peeves are bad but what if he LOVES to chomp ice?

    The shoes I can see I would get him a pair of house slippers or house shoes and let him know how DIRTY it is to walk around the house with YUCKIES On your feet.

    As far as the hamper I have one outside the bathroom door and Thunder always is afraid he will mess up my clothes with his work clothes so he leaves them on the floor. So I pick them up and sometimes he washes sometimes I do.

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl


    The real reason that I don't want him to chomp his ice <which I do know he dearly loves> is 1) he'll wreck his teeth (the dentist told him that) and; 2) it makes me want to choke him. It's one of those noises that makes you want to throw yourself off of a building. I know.. I know.. this is something personal with me, and probably my own problem. There is some noises that just drive me totally out of my mind: chewing with the mouth open, smacking gum, slurping, high pitched security systems, water dripping, high pitched voices, etc. I'm really noise sensitive and they drive me literally to insanity! I like to chew my ice, too, and it doesn't bother him.. so maybe it's just the noise. I can't stand to go to movies because the chomping on the popcorn bothers the hell out of me. That might be just my own wierdness, I don't know.

    As far as the leg shaking, it's just his thing. When I have had too much coffee, I shake my leg, too, or can't sit still and it drives him nuts. That's just a little thing.. That doesn't bother me too much.. But I swear..

    If I had a dime for every time I mentioned to quit chomping your ice or quit shaking your leg.. I'd be a millionaire! LOL! But, of course, he doesn't like some things I do, either, and he nags me about it.

    For everyone: What does your mate/significant other do that really bugs YOU?

    Country Girl

  • stillajwexelder

    I do not wish to be crude - so I will try to be as subtle as possible. My still a JW wife can get me to do anything (still jw ex elder) -- all she has to do is a sexual act and I am like quivering jello and will do anything she asks. If you are wondering what this is -- I will give you a clue (JWs are not supposed to do it - see March 15 1983 Watchtower pages 28-31 I think)

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