Viv, I am SOOOO with you on the territory thing. It got really annoying when you had to sit there for ages, first for the idiot brother to figure out how to divide a few people up into car groups, and then how to assign territory. I don't know if this was true everywhere, but in our area, they actually had to give a talk about not spending too much time standing on the street corners assigning territory, because it scared the householders to see a mob of us. *rolls eyes* So many times, I felt like just getting up there, shoving the guy back in his seat, and taking 2 minutes to do what it took him 15 to do.
I never understood why sisters couldn't do the Bible reading talks (#2). I mean, how hard is it to read a few verses and apply them? But oh no, the sisters can only parrot exactly what is in some book. Wouldn't want those stupid females trying to apply a few verses without an outline already in place for them! *tsk tsk* *more eye rolling*
And don't get me started on how it isn't appropriate for women to carry the mikes, hand out magazines and books behind a counter, or anything else like that, as if having a penis endowed a man with some special abilities to keep track of how many magazines each person got. (I could understand how it would help in mike carrying.) In our cong, we actually had a sister doing the accounts for a while, coz there weren't any "qualified" brothers who knew how to do it. You can bet as soon as a man came along who could add and subtract, she was not allowed to do them anymore. She sure did a better job than the guy did. Oh, and I typed up the talk schedules that they posted on the announcement board (Don't you dare say bulletin board! That's what Christendom calls it!) for my father. But of course, no one was allowed to know that it was my typing skills on display instead of my fathers. Bloody 'ell. What a bunch of lunatics.
Being a woman as a JW sucked bigtime. I was always too independent for it. It just took me a while to stand my ground.