Give experiences as to what it felt to be a female in the JW's..

by Country Girl 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • LeslieV

    Actually the submission issue was the main reason that I left the borg. The "elders" brought me in and told me that I needed to be more in submissive to my PO elder husband. That he did not have control of his family. I looked at all of them and said if you think for one minute I do not have a brain, you are seriously mistaken, and since I have three daughters I told them they will not be raised to feel less than a man because they did not have a penis. Last time I was ever in a KH. Also last time I ever slept with my ex


  • La Capra
    La Capra

    After years of ineffective indoctrination on the submissive role of females in the organization, I was visiting some "friends" of my mother for a few days. Their kids were about the same age as me, and their oldest son, about 22, still lived in their three bedroom apartment, sharing a room with his two younger brothers. We all went to the book study, at another apartment in the same complex. There was a question that was very unlike a typical book study question because the answer was not actually written in the paragraph. The book study conductor and I were the only two there that knew the correct answer, but since ONE brother had answered it wrong, I couldn't give the correct answer. They went through FOUR wrong answers, and I never got called on to clarify the answer. The funny thing is that it was not a hard question-but unusual- it called for an explanation of a metaphor (illustration?) that was used. The funniest part was afterwards, the "oldest son" felt compelled to explain to me that he had figured out why I didn't get called on. I figured it out right away without him, but it was still annoying, so I said, "Well, I sure hope my future husband doesn't make a mistake when he balances the check book, because I won't be allowed to correct him, before he started writing bad checks...." He wasn't amused, but then again, I wasn't trying to be funny, just ironic. Headship was my first and biggest problem with this cult. I have numerous experiences of outsmarting and outwitting the brothers (particularly the elders)in my congregation. Fortunately one of the truly "good guys" would always defend me, and point out to them that all I ever did was be correct when they were wrong, and they should leave me alone. They tried for so long to get "dirt" on me, but it just didn't work. I finally got tired of always having to watch my back and resented the paranoia I was developing, so I bailed. If they (the 5 out of 6) hadn't tried so hard to keep "me down," I probably wouldn't have left. Shoshana

  • happyout

    Here's a funny story. I was kind of dating this former Bethelite. This guy had gone straight from his parent's house to Bethel, and back to his parents house. I, on the other hand, was living outside of my parent's home, and taking care of myself. This guy really wanted to get married (just to have sex, of course), but didn't want to propose because he wasn't sure I would say yes. So, instead of saying will you marry me, he said, "can you see yourself submitting to my headship?" I KID YOU NOT, this immature, inexperienced idiot thought he would be able to tell my experienced ass what to do and how to do it because he had excess flesh between his legs. GIMME A FREAKIN' BREAK!

    I also used to hate the talks where the brothers alluded to that "delicate time of the month" where women were so emotional they had to be treated as slightly brain damaged.

    And the elders in my congregation were very fond of talking about the gift of singleness, and how sisters shouldn't run after brothers. I honestly don't remember one time they said brothers should not run after sisters.

    I am a far better reader and speaker than most, and it practically pained me to sit through those talks with those slow speaking and thinking males I was supposed to look up to. One brother gave an entire talk on pronunciation, only he said "pronounciation". I used to count either the misused words or bad grammar until my mom would get angry.

    I felt like I was discriminated against and I was.


  • teenyuck

    So, I am getting the impression we all seemed to have problems with *submission*....

    Even my good-dubbie mother hates that word. She admitted it to me not too long ago. I almost fell over! In spite of being Stepford Wife-like, she actually admitted she hates it!

    Hopefully the men reading this thread are picking up on some of this.....

  • shamus

    Although male, I remember one Awake! article that sucked big-time....

    There was an article about "getting a hobby" for the women.... (I think...) and it mentioned something like "you will find more satisfaction than using a scrub bucket"... referring that women only did the cleaning. I am so sorry but I forget exacly what it said....

    Anyways, it was a HORRIBLE comment and one sister mentioned something about it and got in trouble and scolded by everyone for even mentioning such a thing... some months later there was something written in from "questions from our readers" about how degrading the comment was, and they just brushed it off, as usual. That one really bothered me, and I could only imagine what women thought of that article...

  • wednesday

    done properly, submission can be very nice

    just kidding lol

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    well all of the above

    When I first started learning sign language I had one of the deaf sisters teach me. Since we needed more than one interpreter I offered to teach any others who wanted to learn. My husband who was an elder at the time and one other elder joined the class. For some reason they never made me wear the napkin on my head. My husband (now ex) learned enough to get by - but was never really great with it but he could manage if he had to. The elder was incredibly terrible. His facial gestures were totally off. He doubled almost every sdign and had this look on his face as if he was talking to morons and wanted to make sure they understood him.

    A typical sentence would come out as

    Do YOU? YOU? want want to serve serve Jehovah??

    I could barely stand watching him. I don't know how the deaf could tolerate it. They only gave him talks when no one else was there.

    But he was the presiding overseer and I had to be very careful about what I said to him and how. Therefore I could not correct him on the manner of his signs. He must have thought he was pretty good because as soon as he learned enough to do a talk he decided I wasn't qualified to teach the brothers and certainly not qualified to teach him.

    Now Grace/Mouthy can tell you what my signing was like. She used to watch me. I was bloody good - I was great. I would see people sit and watch. They would come to me after and tell me they could follow me even though they didn't know any sign language. The deaf group always assigned me to do the Sunday and Special talks and as much of the assemblies as they could get me to do as well as the dramas. I thought this was one way I could serve the brothers and sisters and I loved it. I felt so angry when he told me I wasn't qualified to teach sign to brothers. Like h*ll!!! I taught him - despite all those stupid limitations. Of the 3 people who wanted to become interpreters that I taught ALL became fairly good interpreters. Out of all the people he taught not one ever interpreted one talk.

    Well after he DFed me I guess he had to do more interpreting than ever. stupid stupid stupid

    Won't even begin to get into the kleenex on my head

    or providing sex on demand because he had a penis and was the head of the family and I had to be in subjection

  • fairy

    its not very nice....apparently all we are good for is doing what we are told, and doing the minor and thankless tasks. and we all know about being in subjection to our husbands....well, i married my husband as an equal to have an equal say.....he doesnt treat me any other way but i couldnt be one of those wives that might as well be saying "yes master" "no master" etc; etc; etc;

  • Odrade

    When I was growing up as a good witness, I always envisioned myself (because I always tried to be realistic) marrying a bro who had his own business washing windows, cleaning floors or some such. Of course we would be poor, because I would pioneer forever. I always hoped we would have enough money to have a child or two. Most of the brothers I knew barely made a living. Luckily, the only requirement I had written in stone was that the Brother I dated be smarter than I. Only one boyfriend wasn't, and we only lasted a month. A few years later he married a submissive little thing and popped out two kids. He was the only one who earned a decent living, and she spent every penny he made. Last I heard he was working three jobs to support her. I hope eventually they are well and truly out of the BORG so he can finally take a career advancement and support her in the manner she would like to be accustomed. Ah, screw it, I don't really care about them--HA!

    The other brothers I dated were all lower-paid than the "dumb" one. All totally brilliant, but held down by lack of education. Several are out now too. I sometimes wonder if I might run into them on this board--wouldn't that be a hoot. My husband is smarter than all of them. He never bought into the idea of not earning a decent living/having a career. He is somewhat hobbled by his lack of higher education, which he resents--submission is not exclusive to women. When we married as still-active Dubs, we determined not to be co-owners of our cars, not to combine insurance as there was no financial advantage. We both maintain separate bank accounts, have no joint credit cards. I have full input in all decisions, as does he.

    It's a good arrangement, but good JWs, who had some idea of how things were, were pretty horrified--especially about the separate bank accounts--as if it's any of their business. When we were engaged my parents tried their damnedest to break us up. Even calling the week before the wedding to tell me if I broke up with him, they would fully "support" me in getting re-established, and not to worry about the money. Their reason? They didn't think I could "respect his headship." They would never have understood if I had told them he didn't intend to impose his headship, we were mates, partners, equals.

    When I look back, I can see how unhappy I would have been doing it the organization's way. I can see how much all these intelligent women who are saddled with numb-nuts for husbands who impose headship--how unhappy they are, and how much they resent having to kowtow to every whim of the "head of the household." --"can I buy these shoes, can I move the couch, can we take a vacation, can I have some money, can the kids sleep over at a friends..."

    I also see what a bunch of hypocrites some of the servants are, they preach headship and womanly submission from the platform. But the wife rules the household with an iron fist. Talk about cognitive dissonance, no wonder so many JW marriages are secretly (or not so secretly) unhappy.

    Don't even get me started on the stupidity of only brothers having privileges in the congregation either. That's a whole different rant. The whole system of adminstration is insulting and a joke. It was really brought home to me when I read C.T. Russell's will and realized that he meant sisters to have a pivotal influence on the writing and administration of the Watchtower. Rutherford, Knorr and the rest of them must have been some kind of women haters. Bastards.


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