Next New Light??? Heaven's Doors Closed in 1935

by Elsewhere 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • RR
    Frankly this is like debating still whether or not the moon is made of green cheese.

    You mean it isn't??? Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

  • Reborn2002

    LOL @ funkyderek.

    It is sad that your suggestion is so accurate.

    You should be careful though. If the Watchtower did indeed monitor this site from time to time, they may wish to recruit you for the Writing Department to mend their screwed up prophecies with revisionist articles.

  • blondie

    05/15/01 WT p. 15

    Their identifying themselves with the great crowd of other sheep indicated that by 1935 the calling of the 144,000 anointed Christians was virtually complete,

    09/01/00 WT

    p. 22

    Likely, the full number of spiritual Israel, that "little flock" of Kingdom heirs, has been selected.

    01/15/00 WT

    p. 16

    It seems that by the year 1935, the general ingathering of the anointed was complete .

    02/15/95 WT

    pp. 19-20

    Logically, the calling of the little flock would draw to a close when the number was nearing completion, and the evidence is that the general gathering of these specially blessed ones ended in 1935.

    01/01/88 WT p. 11

    Evidently, the gathering of these was virtually complete by 1935.

    1988 Revelation Climax

    p. 125

    Their being identified in 1935 as the great crowd of other sheep was an indication that the choosing of the 144,000 was then about complete.

    02/15/82 WT

    p. 30

    When we consider how Jehovah has been dealing with his people during the ‘harvest period,’ it seems evident that the heavenly calling in general was completed about the year 1935, when the hope of the "great crowd" of Revelation 7:9-17 was properly understood to be an earthly one.

    12/01/70 WT p. 732

    Since it appears from the facts that the ones eligible for the heavenly kingdom were for the time completed in number by about 1935,

    (The WTS has left themselves some room to weasel out on this one but if someone does not support this statement, then they can consider that person an "apostate" working against their WTS doctrine.)


  • UpAndAtom

    very insightful funkyderek... you are obviously qualified to write for the WT and Awake.

  • heathen

    I agree with elsewhere. This constant counting of partakers is absurd . Then they have to put in reasons why the number goes up or down , I say why don't they just give the whole thing a rest as they don't even know how to serve dinner at a church supper anyway .

  • Gordy

    I read somewhere that the WT regard 85% of those taking the emblems, as not being "true" anonited" ones, I think because they started taking them after 1935.. So this mean about only 1300 are of the anonited.

    Anyone else heard of this.

  • LDH
    w00 1/15 16

    It seems that by the year 1935, the general ingathering of the anointed was complete

    Just another way to keep the "annointed class" exclusive to whites from the United States, England or Austrailia. I mean really, how many from Latin America or Africa got their calling pre-1935?

    I find this to be repulsive and racist.


    Was Sam Herd born before 1935? Class

  • Ariell

    Just another way to keep the "annointed class" exclusive to whites from the United States, England or Austrailia. I mean really, how many from Latin America or Africa got their calling pre-1935?
    Precisely. If the calling was from God they would have gotten it, but it wasn't. The Watchtower gave the call. So you had to have already been a believer to hear the accouncement of two classes. The so-called "good news" hadn't reached the ends of the earth. This is what makes that "special feeling" claim so bogus. They should have known before the change in doctrine or did God wait until 1935 before giving them the "special feeling"? I would love to see them explain this one.

  • Paralipomenon

    Necro-bump for prophetic wisdom

  • BFD

    I think the GB is getting thier new light from JWD!


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