Extra Junk in the Trunk?

by rem 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mecurious?

    Hey, some men really like women with some meat on their bones. Some like them in-between. I have a buddy that likes hefty women and he has always been paper-thin.

    Me? I normally wouldn't date anyone over 115 pnds. My wife weighed 110 when I met her. Of course after marriage people normally put on pounds. It’s all part of the contract, and I accept it for what it is through “thick or thin”. Of course I would have a problem with someone who was overweight and refused to eat right and exercise. But, I wouldn’t break up my marriage over it.

    It just boils down to different strokes for different folks, and also depends on how well a person wears the weight too. Some people just seem to be able to carry a few pounds better than others, maybe because of height, muscle mass, body type etc.


  • ashitaka

    I gained about 65 pounds after I got married, over about five years. There was no real cause except for stress and actually eating three meals a day. Before, I was eating one meal of MacDonalds and drinking about 20 Coffees a day. That's it. Now, I am much healthier, but fatter. Go figure.

    My wife still loves me and thinks me to be handsome (she's crazy, I know), and knows that this isn't going to be my permanent weight. My wife alternately gained and lost weight over the marriage. Both ways, she's beautiful.


  • rem


    Hey, some men really like women with some meat on their bones. Some like them in-between. I have a buddy that likes hefty women and he has always been paper-thin.

    Yeah, I totally agree. I think what I'm getting at is that a person who likes a woman with some meat on her bones will be attracted to women who already look like that. Men who aren't will probably find a thinner mate, but if she puts on more than a few pounds after the relationship starts then he may no longer be sexually attracted to her. That, I have to imagine, must be a difficult thing for someone to go through - especially if it happens soon after marriage when you are young. I would also imagine many women would feel the same way.

    I'm just trying to get past all of the Politically Correct garbage and see what people really feel. I'm afraid, however, that the nature of the topic is difficult for people to be openly honest about without feeling shallow.


  • happyout


    Glad to know I was on the right page with you.

    I've seen this happen, and I DON'T think it's fair. And I've seen it happen with men and women (although, honestly, more with women). And it was really the thought that I was being that kind of person that motivated me to work out again. I am not thin, and my family genetics predispose me to be thick. However, that doesn't mean I can't maximize my potential by exercising. I agree that a lot of Americans are overweight, and it's not necessary. We live in a fast food, technologically driven society, where many of our activities are now in front of a TV or monitor, or otherwise inactive. Having my son helps, he loves to run around and play, and it's a good easy way for me to get moving.

    It's not realistic to expect someone to look the same their entire lives, but it's entirely reasonable to expect them to care about their appearance. Especially when their health is involved.

    Can this be compared to someone who started smoking AFTER they got involved with you? I would put it on the line immediately, give it up now, or I'm leaving. Harsh, maybe, but smoking does kill, I lost a grandmother and my dad to it.


  • Mecurious?

    I'm just trying to get past all of the Politically Correct garbage and see what people really feel. I'm afraid, however, that the nature of the topic is difficult for people to be openly honest about without feeling shallow.

    Hey, I couldn't have said it better. If you have read some of my recent posts you know what I mean. But I say the hell with them. Might as well speak your mind.....


  • teenyuck

    You know guys, women don't wake up one morning and decide "I'm going to start getting fat. What the F. I got married. He can't/won't divorce me for that, so, why the hell not. I am going to eat ice cream and cookies."


    Women start becoming overweight for too many reasons to list here. Read Ash's post. He went from 1 meal to 3. How many married people suddenly do the same thing? I would guess many.

    On top of that is the stress of being married. Working out the details of who is going to do what in a marriage is tough. Next thing you know, you are depressed sitting on the sofa, watching Dr. Phil tell Oprah how to lose weight, while you eat a box of Twinkies.

    Yes, is seems to be *more* women than men gain weight after marriage. However, it does go both ways. Many, many men gain weight. Bill Clinton is a perfect example of why men with *jiggly thighs* should not wear short running shorts. Comprende? Ever see Hillary in running shorts?

    Women, after marriage, *usually* have a lot more to do than men. Read the stats. They work, do housework, laundry, take the kids everywhere, cook, run errands, etc. Hubby works, goes to a few little league games and wonders why his princess is stressed and gaining weight.

    Because she is making high carb (Bread/pasta/rice) low fat food, that is quick, cheap and easy. She doesn't have time to worry about how it affects her metabolism long term.

    There are studies that show the classic *diabetic diet*, which has been hailed as the way to lose weight (low fat, high carb) for regular people is bad for diabetics. They are figuring out that low fat is not great. High protein is better (Fish, chicken, lean beef, soy) and olive, canola oil etc. However, planning those meals and making them takes work and dedication.

    When/if a husband cannot love his wife because she gained weight, he didn't really love her. He loved the image of her. Totally different.

  • rem


    I think it is still possible to love someone even though you are no longer sexually attracted to them, or at least your sexual attraction is lower.

    I think you make some good points, but I think there are many situations where people just kinda relax and let themselves go. Not everyone has a disease or is genetically inclined to gain weight right after marriage or a relationship. I think the people who are able to take better care of their bodies should... out of respect for themselves and for their mate.


  • logansrun

    Hey, as the 'ol saying goes..."More cushion for the pushin."



  • teenyuck

    Not everyone has a disease or is genetically inclined to gain weight Women ARE right after marriage or a relationship. I think the people who are able to take better care of their bodies should... out of respect for themselves and for their mate. I agree. Men can start by helping with all the work around the house, not tell them they are fat pigs, help with the cooking, etc. And they can throw out that spare tire of their own while they are at it. This will give the wife more time to work out.


    Darn highlighter...I give up!!!

  • tinkerbell82

    "I think the people who are able to take better care of their bodies should... out of respect for themselves and for their mate."

    Despite my earlier comments, which i still stand by, i do completely agree with this statement

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