Take a good, long, hard look at the Macys response above. This is from someone with relatives in these countries. (Sweden, Germany). I have heard Sweden in particular is BAD, so much so that most of the Jewish population that settled in after WWII, has left Stockholm and returned to Israel due to the Islamic persecution of them. I heard this about 2 years ago already. This isn't "sensationalism". This is FACT. Muslims moving into parts of France, England, etc, and then trying to enact Sharia Law into effect isn't "Sensationalism", it's happened, and IS happening.
Those of us living in America damned sure better take note: This is what is coming to our soil. It's been getting worse and worse in cities like Detroit, as well as Buffalo. I know, I've been there and seen it. Ever get to Niagara Falls, USA or Canadian side? Looks like you're in the Middle East. It's uncomfortable. I'll bet the Swedes and Germans wish they had more firepower. The immigrants somehow seem to find them? I'm baffled; I mean, what about the GUN LAWS these countries have? Good for keeping the innocent civilians unarmed like Sheeple, while the immigrants import in the AK's, etc for terrorizing. (Example: That rampage a few months ago in France with those guys sporting AK's, all the while the French had to run away and hide due to being unarmed)
An unarmed population is a population of victims waiting to be taken advantage of by a stronger-willed, defiant, intolerant, armed invading force who don't care about your laws, civility, or religion. They don't have to march in like the Nazis either; they'll just "immigrate" in, settle in, breed, take advantage of your societies Social Welfare structure (again, Sweden is hurting right now from the weight), and then vote themselves into office to push their agendas. Basically, winning by attrition.
Europe with their pussified, pacifist mentality is already a lost cause as far as I'm concerned. There is hope for Australia, as they are starting to drop the hammer on immigration. (As I've heard from a few Aussie friends at least). Canada better take note. USA: I'm up in the air. Southern California might as well join Mexico.