Headline: "Islamic Invasion: Europe now scrambles for guns." How true is this?

by cappytan 155 Replies latest jw friends

  • kaik

    Thanks you - the response of the German people has been inspiring.

    Not totally true. People in Dresden feel otherwise. Weekly demonstration, people beat up by police like under Honecker regime. German press lying to the public with rampant disinformation. EU is disintegrating as we speak. Schengen is caput, gone, collapsed. Germany opened gates to illegal immigration. Now when they cannot handle it, they demand Poland, Czechs and Slovaks to house them. This will not happen, even under threat of war. Hostile rhetoric against Eastern states from France, Germany and today from Dutch Jeroen Dijsselbloem are just empty threats. Any confrontation between Germany and post-election Poland due refugee crisis will only destabilize already failed EU experiment.

    EU is financially broken. Average European has lower living standard than Americans. States from Greece to Germany are strained by huge public debt. They cannot handle additional masses of unproductive people, while at the same time there is 125 millions Europeans living in poverty. Social nest is already depleted by the immigration and states will be forced to rise taxes. Who are the Westerners going to blame? Poland or Hungary? 85% of the refugees will NOT WORK according to the official report by Swiss parliament done in 2014:


  • prologos

    Thanks you - the response of the German people has been inspiring.

    Not totally true. People in Dresden feel otherwise. Weekly demonstration, people beat up by police like under Honecker regime. i they demand Poland, Czechs and Slovaks to house them. This will not happen, even under threat of war. . Any confrontation between Germany and post-election Poland due refugee crisis will only destabilize already failed EU experiment.

    just for laughs, the old east, dark germany will reject immigrants just like the eastern neighbours, Putin will move back into his Dresden, Leipzig offices. wall will be build again in the same location, to keep them out,-- not in-- this time. ha ha.

  • kaik

    European union is cracking into two places and Germans are not aware of it, Prologos. Economically, on the south (Greece, Italy, Spain, and Portugal), and politically along the former Eastern Block + Finland. Polish election last weekend changed the balance of power in EU, and will put Germany into smaller, Franco-German union pitying each other against the rest of Europe failed to understand their multicultural liberal vision of the Continent.

    Russia wants to renew the control over Central Europe. They do not deny it and actually debating it on the media and TV for years. Significant majority of the population in the West wants to return into division of the Continent where Muslim population is welcomed and cherished, while Poles despised. However, Russia does not have the resources for the conquest, and it failed to take over Ukraine last year. They will be happy with just destabilization of Europe. Balkans is probably heading to the next war, as the relationship between states are worsening due refugee crisis, and Bosnia seems to head to civil war II.

    East Germans are demonstrating in mass, where up to 30,000 people showed in Dresden, because they lived through Honecker communist propaganda. They do not believe the lies of the media that is presented to the public every day. It became significantly worse in past two years. From time to time I read German press, and it is milder version of the 1980's Soviet press under Gorbachev. The trend to twist news as they are happening is obvious to anyone who lived under communism. I score British press higher than German. In 2014 German freedom of press felt below the Czech, and this means a lot, because Czech media are losing freedom as well since the death of Václav Havel in 2011. During his presidency, Czech media were among freest in the world, I think they were fifth one point.

    I am more worried on the erosion of the freedom and overall democracy than economic under-performance. However, it was the liberal-left media that caused the freedom to of press, speech, media to suffer, where only one opinion is allowed, and anyone who disagree with them is labeled as right-wing nationalist, extremist, and so on. In Poland they tried to suppress any debate on refugee crisis last month, last weekend the liberal-left was swept from the power.

  • disposable hero of hypocrisy
  • mana11

    I watched a documentary recently on Syria, The REBELS supported by USA as an alliance were saying they would NEVER lay down their weapons against Assad. Much like Hamas say it will Never Stop attacking Israel.

    I personally think a Tyrant is better at controlling the Sunni and Shia unrest in their own country than a democratic government put there by USA, we can clearly see the failed USA implemented results.

    Why America wants to get in between the Sunni / Shia war is beyond comprehension.I think D Trump may change this.

    I also think OIL was no1, that was the only excuse they needed for Saddam Hussein, The rest was excuses and lies to support those excuses. There was no weapons of mass destruction, a complete fabrication flase Flag in order to accomplish the Iran ultimate goal.

    The world trade center towers have serious issues as to if the Saudis had a hand in it that remain unanswered.

    The entire Osama witch hunt was another false flag fabrication. I think many things of that era are false flags, complete fabrications of the USA to justify their assault on Oil and an ultimate attack on Iran still to come!.

    When they never displayed Osama's body I was not at all surprised. It merely confirmed what i had seen in the middle east (which i cannot mention) and the fact the guy is most likely still alive.

    I remember reading about 1995 an article how America wanted to destabilize Iraq, then the goal was to destabilize Syria, this would allow them to have a direct line unobstructed to go to Iran as the ultimate goal. Ocean to Iran direct. Everything i read has come true. Some of the best plans take years to complete.

    For Syria, The US are backing Islamic rebels on the basis of barrel bombs, When i see Assad speak he comes across as far more credible, far more educated, far more articulate than John Kerry!. After the Bush era Lies of weapons of mass destruction it becomes a matter of who is really telling the truth. Kerry seems greatly Lacking.

    Russia can enter the scene and within days hit ISIS badly causing them to shave and flee!,, ,LOL, something USA didn't do after months, why because their rebel friends are working with the Saudis and ISIS and their hands are tied as to whom and what they can hit thus allowing ISIS to flourish. And America gets upset because Russia comes and it makes them look stupid.

    I read where the Saudis are buying the captive ISIS sex slaves, who really is working with whom?.

    Which is more politically correct, taking out Assad whom is trying to put down a rebel ISLAMIC GROUP by any means to stabilize his country? or supporting the Saudis whom are actively trading is captive Christians as sex toys? and financially supporting their rebel friends.

    Personally i love humanity and welcome anyone that has respect for me or others with no hidden agenda. I treat people as i would expect to be treated. The world is big enough for everyone, technology abounds, All men can live i peace, but this evil corporate agenda is destroying the earth. I thin kthe majority of Europeans feel pity for these people and rightly so.

    I have family and friends in Sweden, Norway and Germany. They initially were happy to help and offer support as and where possible, however now that is changing. They are starting to realize that the Islam agenda is not compatible with European ideals. The Christian love thy neighbor policy is going starting to backfire badly, since these so called refugees have ideas that are not going to change. Rapes violence is not being reported, WHY?...

    I have said before, ask any Muslim if they would support Sharia law, they will all say YES. Immediately that puts you as a human non Muslim regardless of your belief at odds with them. You Immediately become and Enemy infidel. Not by your choice but by their choice. These Stupid Gullible British women that go on youtube to defend them are nothing more than brainless twits. their time will come!. The ultimate goal of Islam is Sharia law worldwide!. Thank god Sunni and Shia are at war, it is the only thing stopping them attaining what they desire.

    This refuge crisis is a forced false flag to pressure the Europeans in to taking out Assad, nothing else. But now Russian has put a stick in the cog... and they are desperately trying to find a way to remove that stick.

    The Media are NOT reporting the real news, they are not reporting the attacks within Europe, it is being actively suppressed. The so called right wing websites are giving out information that is having much truth in it, but as with everything read it with caution.

    I personally think that humanity cannot advance unless Islam and then Christianity are removed as obstacles of our planets advancement.

    The sooner we announce contact with other intelligent worlds the better.

    Very interesting times we are living in......

  • cofty
    The countries to where these people are headed can handle the odd rare extremist. They are going to be watched over very carefully to be sure, any signs of extremist activity and they will find themselves booted back to where they came in a blink .

    Our security services are already overstretched trying to keep tabs on hundreds of potential terrorists every day. Whenever they succeed people are outraged that MI5 allowed it to happen.

    Remember gunner Lee Rigby?

  • erbie

    This is a contentious issue here in Europe where people are very quick to brand others a racist or right wing moron.

    I consider myself neither of those but I am uncomfortable with religion and in particular, Islam. However, I do not believe it will dominate the world as they claim. Indeed, how could it when it is so backward. Nevertheless, I do see the policy of allowing more Muslims into our civilised countries as a giant step backwards and one that we are already, in part, paying the price for. Sweden has been mentioned numerous times and yes, just look at the detrimental effect Muslims have had on that lovely country with their violence against women and lack of integration.

    I despair when I see the lack of leadership and backbone so prevalent within the EU and I do honestly believe that history will in some way repeat itself; native populations will see their countries overrun by an unwanted and unhealthy influence and exercise their own human right to exist in a free and safe society without religious persecution.

    I'm reluctant to state that I am ahead of the game but I am wise enough to figure out that you cannot control a persons natural tendency to free thought unless it is by force or coercion. And unless our politicians are prepared to literally force us to accept Muslims I see no way out of this problem. In short, we are essentially the same as that which we see in the animal kingdom - if we feel threatened we either flee or defend ourselves. Many of the Jews in Europe have fled from Islamic hatred to where they consider it safe. Most of us, however, will not flee because this is our home. Our ancestors fought for freedom rather than running away from oppression and war and I for one feel eternally indebted to them for that. Many lives were sacrificed for freedom during the last two wars, too many to allow it to be overrun by a religious ideology that despises anyone who does not practice said religion.

    It is the religion I despise, not the people and I recognise no boundaries (skin colour etc) that should prevent us all from living together peaceably.

    I do see the onslaught of Muslims heading for 'refuge' as a threat to security but I also believe that at some point they must stop running away from their problems, develop a love for their own country and fight to make it a better place if indeed that is what they want.

    It also frustrates me that Muslims fleeing Islamic countries strive to enforce the very same religion in Europe that has caused them to flee oppression and war in the first place. The mind boggles and this is why I am inclined to think that, as with most persons of a religious disposition, Muslims do not actually know what they want which, in part, explains their lack of desire for progress and to make their own country a better place. It is far less taxing on the brain for them to flee to a democratic society where they are free to obsess over their religion.

    Mankind should never have created the gods.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Exactly what cofty said on page one.

    I suppose we'll just have to wait and see ... then when the first terrorist attack occurs, I can give Cameron a f**king good kicking ...

  • LoveUniHateExams

    What strikes me about this thread and particularly those posts that are saying the report is accurate, is that everything is hearsay. "I have heard" this or that - IS themselves have urged supporters of the so-called Caliphate to execute terrorist attackes in Europe.

    Sorry, you can't blame everything on the EDL.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    @Disposable hero of hypocrisy

    What your pretty little picture inexplicably leaves out is that Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States have taken 0 (zero) refugees. They're more than happy to spread Wahhabism and pay for more mosques, though

    Now, obviously these people need help but it's not the sole responsibility of the West to provide this help. Granted, Western interference in the Muslim World has been dreadful but the Syrian War is mostly due to Sunni-Shia hatred - a hatred that has been occurring intermittently for centuries.

    Turns out these 'peaceful' Muslims ain't as peaceful as Western politicians would have us believe ...

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