Wow! This thread really surprises me! I figured there'd be dozens of women saying they KNEW they were going to be mamas when they grew up. So I'm not alone, eh?
Just this past Sunday we had lunch with some friends that had a 4 month old. Darling little child that slept through lunch - we didn't hear a peep from him. I remember "helping" her by rolling the baby through the restaurant line and Neil and I chose our food. Someone came up to me and asked if we needed help getting "our" baby to the table with our trays of food. It took me by surprise as I was thinking "What baby?" LOL! The baby in the stroller right in front of me! It dawned on me that people thought that child was OURS. Very weird feeling. It was nice to fantasize for a moment what that might be like, but it was a fleeting thought.
I was 11 years old when my baby brothers were born. (twins) So I babysat ALL the freakin' time. They were cute little kids and basically pretty good, but when there's two of anything it's exhausting! I learned from a small age to be a good "mommy" - nurturing has always come easy for me. But I also realized that those cute little babies weren't the romantic little thing that most women think they are. I was never in any rush to have my own.
Now I'm almost 32, just recently married. Thankfully my husband doesn't want any little ones anytime soon. We've both agreed that when the time comes, one child will be our max. He also said that he would like to adopt. (Wow! What man says that?!?! Of course I'll marry you!!!) So now Neil and I can sit back and enjoy our marriage without worrying about the biological clock ticking. When we're ready, we'll let another lady go through the pain of childbirth and stretch marks and then we'll take HER kid.