How many of you know you want children or knew you wanted children before ?

by sandy 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • Candlestick02

    kgfreeperson: Thanks for your honesty.

    I ask because I'm lookin forward to - in the future - having kids. My husband, however, isn't so sure he wants to have kids. He's afraid of losing our freedom. Of them 'constantly being there.' Of all the work. I know it's a lot of work, etc.. but I can't exactly make my feelings go away. And yes, before you ask, we DID talk about this before we got married. I guess there's more to it, that would make sense in knowing. . .but that's where my question came from. Do parents who one or both aren't sure about them ever really HATE being a parent? Like would you undo it if you could? or once you have them, are you okay? I would never want to force my husband into 'giving in' and having a kid that he'd regret. That's one of his fears, and frankly, mine too. I am pretty confident that I wouldn't regret it.. but I'm afraid he might, cause that's what he's told me he fears. Does this make any sense?

  • Shakita


    This will disappoint my mom, but I and my wife don't want kids......EVER.

    Not a disappointment....parenthood isn't for everybody.

    Besides, I have three spares left to give me my only reason for living..... (you know I am only joking).... You guys are great, and I know that you both will be happy no matter what your choice is regarding having children. Your Dad and I will always be there for you regardless......but now you can't move away....that's the trade off...

    Love ya,


  • Silverleaf

    When I was young I was adamantly opposed to having kids. I just couldn't imagine it. After I got married, it just seemed to be the right thing to do. My kids are 5 and 8 now and getting them this far wasn't easy, but it was worth it. They're great kids and I get the biggest kick out of them, but I have absolutely no desire to ever go through it all again. I think if you have any doubts about having kids, you should wait. It's a lot of hard work and even when you really want them, you have days when you ask yourself, "What the hell have I gotten myself into?"

    A friend of ours absolutely didn't want kids and his wife was trying to pressure him into it. They ended up divorced - he remarried and boom - he's a daddy and absolutley thrilled about it. Sometimes it's not whether or not you want kids, but who you want to have them with that's the issue.


  • lisaBObeesa

    I always knew I would have kids one day. I did not have a drive of some sort to have them, I didn't dream of having kids every day while I was growing up... I just knew I would have them one day. I could not imagine a life without kids... you know..'the circle of life' and all that?

    *The Lion King music starts playing*

  • Maverick

    I always wanted a daughter. My little girl has been a dream. Sometimes a bad dream but she is the one reason I would not change my past if I could. When my life turned to s--t, she was the thing that kept me from eating a bullet! Now she will be 19 next month and lives with me, or lives in the home I have in Florida. I'm not there two to three months a year. I love her like no other and she will always be my baby. I am grateful for her and the opportunity to be her father. I was a little older, 29 when she was born and I am glad of that, but being a parent as been the biggest thing I have ever done! Maverick

  • iiz2cool

    When I got married, my wife and I decided we would pioneer until the end of the system, and have children in the new system. Now that I'm out I deeply regret that decision. My wife remains a devout JW, and won't even consider having a family, so I guess I'm facing the prospect of either getting a divorce and re-marrying, or growing old alone.


  • Prisca
    When my life turned to s--t, she was the thing that kept me from eating a bullet!

    You know, that is one of the reasons why I want to have at least one child. When I get really dark thoughts, nothing really is preventing me from ending my life. Who would miss me? I don't have any dependants, so it's not like I'd be leaving anyone without a parent. At least if I had someone to look after, that I have to be responsible for, then I would know I have a reason to live. Otherwise, it doesn't matter to me how or when I die.

  • sunshineToo
    It amazes me how many women have an overwhelming desire to have a six pound screaming larva rip its way out of their lower abdomens.

    Us men have it easy... wham-bam... there ya go ma'am. [ ZZZzzzzzZZZzzzzz ]

    Elsewhere!!!!! LOL I want to have a child. In fact I want to have two children. My husband kept saying that he is not ready yet, but when I had a miscarriage in April, he broke down into tears on the sofa. He said that when we found out I was pregnant, he was ready. I'm hoping to get pregnant soon. We'll keep trying.

  • MrsQ

    Good luck sunshine...I know miscarriages are VERY common, so I am confident you'll have no problems the next time around...


  • Ravyn

    Prisca, I can understand how you feel about those dark days etc...but don't you think that is putting an awful lot of responsibility on a kid? Giving you a reason to stay alive I mean?

    But I know how you feel. somedays the cats are the only reason I still put up a fight. No way my husband would MAKE them cat food and serve them out of three different bowls....


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