I love people's being creative with this genre. I stumbled on this video which is a lot of fun. Past the end credits is out takes and how it was made.
Does anyone like Steampunk?
by days of future passed 20 Replies latest social entertainment
Yes, I do!
Yes, I have a idea for a book series but I'm still planning it out. This isn't steampink but it's close. You'll like it http://jakubsan.tumblr.com this isn't me its someone else
days of future passed
Cool. I will read that tomorrow Jayk. I plan on doing some artwork/3d stuff in steampunk. I love looking at all the twists they do with Star Wars, Wizard of Oz and mechanical bugs and and and on and on.
Jeez, and I thought this thread was about an American make of commercial coffee makers:
days of future passed
fulltimestudent - if they were made of brass, they would pass
days of future passed
Ratrods - those cards with the drooling eye popping driver of metal ready to explode? Guys loved them, girls did not.
If you like tabletop RPGs, check out Airship Pirates.
If you like comics, check out Girl Genius.
And yes. I like steampunk.
Also... check out what could be considered a steampunk instrument?
You got a instagram or some way I can see your work DFP?