Evidence of a creator... not...
"There is evidence of a Creator if you just look for it"
by unsure 56 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
'If you summed up Krauss' " out of nothing---' what he basically saying is : "there is no such thing as nothing, never was. so to me that means the energy and matter, the laws that came out of Krauss's non-nothing, could just have just --poof-- combined to start us, or there could have been intent and guidance. The condition for pre-bang existence are a given in his works, and also in the theories of Penrose.
You give me the precise points you think disprove the possibility of a deist creator, and I would like to deal with them.
what I am saying is : Particularly with all the details of the nature of things we now have, and are elaborate on in the books we read, The idea of "work" works.
To add to my last post: I do not suffer from Schizophrenia or similar mental illnesses with hallucinations; my heart goes out to those that do. I have been diagnosed with a mental illness that is categorized as an anxiety disorder.
However I can especially appreciate how missfiring neurons can severely alter ones emotions, perceptions and beleifs.
Mental illness can unexpectedly manifest itself in anyone. Even if one does not suffer from mental illness, emotions or feelings alone in a healthy brain can be enough to alter ones perceptions and beleifs. To disregard this would be disingenuous. Emotions, feelings, thoughts and beleifs based on confirmation bias is not proof of a Creator.
As mentioned in my last post, I do still humbly pray for this irrefutable proof and give God the benefit of the doubt, BUT if I ever do receive it unsure:
right. You are asking for a special audience with a possible creator, who appears to rest his case about the evidence of his existence in the indisputable fact of our existence.
Even if you heard a response, it would be considered a miracle, or an one a trillion chance of your synapses firing, connecting in such a way. so:
stick with the knowable.
right. You are asking for a special audience with a possible creator, who appears to rest his case about the evidence of his existence in the indisputable fact of our existence.
Even if you heard a response, it would be considered a miracle, or an one a trillion chance of your synapses firing, connecting in such a way. so:
stick with the knowable.
I said I was not going to reply to you but I'll bite.
You've already assumed a few things about me in your posts.
Why do you assume I'm only asking for a "special audience with a possible creator"? Where have I said this? I'm asking for any undeniable proof that this Creator seems fit to provide me. Why do you continue to assume things about me?
Putting aside any instances where God spoke directly to someone in the Bible, it is full of supposed accounts of "miracles" and other supposed undeniable "proofs" that occurred right in front of those earnestly seeking a God and even those that were not.
Also, is prayer not a common practice for those that believe in a personal Creator? Is prayer not a personal channel of communication with this Creator? Is prayer not a personal, "special audience" with this Creator?
Do you see how some may think that your posts are a contradiction?
Once again, I personally believe that it is not fruitful (for me) to be replying to each other, but please stop assuming things about me.
Why do you assume I'm only asking for a "special audience** with a possible creator"
I tried to define in more interesting words what your special prayer to a possible creator amounts to. In doing so I did not ask for an answer, but just tried to refer back to the original OP, title, question. proposition, how possibly looking in the right way, in the right place would give us an inkling about a possible creator's personality.
looking at ~ 30 000 bible verses, there might be only a handful that are scientifically correct, or relevant; and
" hanging the Earth on nothing" is not one of them, because our friend Krauss says correctly that the "nothing" is full of energy, and it is the kinetic energy in the orbital velocity that keeps our planet from spiraling into the sun.
keep well.
** from the latin word for to "hear" with your ear. to get a hearing for your request.
I remember now, during a discussion with my newly converted aunt in 1945, when we were constantly hungry, starving, for "god" to prove his existence by providing just one little cake for us right there.
Combining a cosmic question with filling an urgent need. so: you are not alone trying that venue.