Question: Beware the voice of strangers talk

by Water 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Water

    For some unknown reason I decided to torture myself and attended the July assembly. I found the talk "Beware the voice of strangers" particularly interesting. Although it seems, according to my JW mother, that I got the wrong message from the talk.

    I understood the base message of the talk to be: Do not accept the literature, religious conversation, etc. from people of different beliefs. Do not allow people to deay you away from the "truth."

    She explained to me that this talk was only directed towards apostates.

    Can anyone clarify this talk for me? Was this talk only dircted towards apostates or did she just say that because I, when she tried to "witness" to me, told her that I thought the advice "not to listen to the voice of strangers" was excellent advice and that I should not listen to her when she tries to interfere with my beliefs.


  • tinkerbell82

    it seems kind of odd that a part in the assembly would be directed at apostates...i thought apostates were expected NOT to attend the assemblies? ;)

    my parents are going this weekend, i'll ask my mom what she thought of it when she gets back

  • Hamas

    Try subjecting yourself to that torture again.

    Download it here.

    Thanks to Nosferatu for recording this in the first place.

  • drwtsn32

    Ask her what an "apostate" is. Any belief that does not agree with the WTS is "apostate." If you were a JW and wanted to believe something different from the WTS, you are labeled an apostate.

  • Gamaliel
    She explained to me that this talk was only directed towards apostates.

    It would make sense if she meant it was only directed AGAINST apostates. And then she would be absolutely right. Of course JWs believe that all people should listen to THEM. It's the same as the argument about carefully examining all things about your religion. Certain scriptures and ideas that they apply to everyone else don't apply to JWs because they are now God's chosen people.


  • Scully

    Actually, the message of the talk was to become totally paranoid about everyone and everything that is not from The Faithful and Discreet Slave Class™.

    Strangers = TV (especially "apostate promoted documentary programs"), the media (especially "apostate promoted news features that put Jehovah's people in bad light"), the internet (especially "apostate promoted websites and BBSs that seemingly are for Jehovah's Witnesses"), government officials (especially "apostate supported" judges and lawmakers who are causing trouble for the Watchtower Society and Jehovah's Witnesses).

    You get my drift.

    Love, Scully

  • ninecharger

    What got me angry about this talk was that they implied every TV program or newspaper use their own version of theocrappic strategy against the Witlessness.

    No self respecting journalist would put false information in his reports.

    1 - He could lose his job if exposed.

    2 - The WT would sue.

    3 - Even 'worldlings' have principles.

    That is now one benchmark of how honest a report is. They take people to court usually over FALSE allegations. If it's true, they don't want to give opposers free publicity...

  • gambit

    I'm really sick... I am listening to the mp3...

    from 19:45 - 20:15... you gotta hear it... He is talking about reporters telling lies, then goes on to say that even the "appointed" so and so from the org may not even tell the truth publicly because that would very often... just lead to... worst reports about us.

    MY GOD !!! These people aren't really hearing what is being said.

    It is repeated over and over again "Beware the voice of the {blank} stranger"... they fill in the blank with apostate, immoral, etc...


  • Odrade

    Has anyone transcribed this talk yet? It really is paranoid isolationism at it's finest! Disgusting. BTW, if anyone is interested in transcribing it, or wants to help me do it, let me know.


  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    Yeah I couldn't believe I suffered through the whole thing It was not to the apostates but to those that are brain washed in the borg. They are so arrogant, self centered to think that the rest of the world really gives a crap about them. Anyway 3 points I jotted down that was interesting;

    1, That the dubs should only listen to Jesus voice. (But you know they hear this as the GB)

    2. Apostate's promote estranged teachings. They promote it to undermine the spiritual balance of Jesus sheep or Jehovah's people.

    3. At a Circuit and District overseers meeting they felt that the apostates were undermining the faith of the brothers and sisters. He gave the example of 8 witness that were shaking after listening to "an apostate promoted documentary" even after they were warned the previous service meeting not to listen to it.

    The last point makes me think that if this is the truth, it shouldn't shake a persons faith but the truth should come through and make a person more resolved in their faith.


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