Question: Beware the voice of strangers talk

by Water 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Re the media: Those of us who post on this board recall the extensive delays to the televising of the Dateline program, precisely because of NBCs scrupulous commitment to acuracy and fairness, not to mention protection from the possibility of a retaliatory lawsuit.

  • Elsewhere

    I've been working on creating a copy of the audio recording with the background noise filtered out... in listening to it so much I have noticed that they are using a few classic brainwashing techniques: Repetition and "Us against them".

    Beware the voice of strangers!
    Beware the voice of strangers!
    Beware the voice of strangers!
    Beware the voice of strangers!
    Beware the voice of strangers!

    Over and over and over...... It never stops. The guy just keeps saying it. By the time a JW is finished listening to it he will have an unconscious fear of anyone who is not a JW.

  • Water

    Thank you for helping me understand it better.

    Hamas: Thanks for the link, I am saving the talk for use later. There is a remarkable amount of paranoid material in it for the objective listener.


  • yxl1

    I tried listening to the link but found myself slipping in and out of a coma. Dull doesnt come close

  • freein89

    To me it sounds like paternalism at its best (worst). Imagine telling adults to beware of strangers. Good little sheep don't talk to strangers.


  • sandy

    Oh my God it is so boring. It takes me back to the time when I would sit there trying my hardest to pay attention and take notes and have my head keep falling forward.

    Now Satan is using the internet to deceive people. Using a serpent would be old fashion.

    If we do not listen to stranger (apostates and the media) we will live on earth forever and ever and ever.

    I cannot believe I was once a part of this crazy organization. Somebody needs to slap my parents around a few times.

  • Emma

    I can't get it to play. The screen says media player can't find it. Suggestions?

  • Hamas

    Download winamp from

    Now you should be able to play it, Emma !

  • garybuss

    "So Friends, hypothetically, and I repeat hypothetically, even if an angel were to come down here and land on this platform, today, at this moment, and to present something to us that didn't fit into the pattern of truth, what should we be ready to do? We should be ready to say, "Hold on there, that doesn't fit into the pattern, and I am not going to listen to it!". Yes, even if it were one of Jehovah's angels."
    (Minute 23, Beware The Voice Of Strangers, District Convention Of Jehovah's Witnesses, July, 2003)

    Who was the speaker? Name?

    What was the date of this talk?

    What city was it given in?

    More information? Name of building assembly was held in?

    Lurkers can e-mail me [email protected]

    Thanks GaryB

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