Thank you Simon. I asked Outlaw repeatedly to take it to PM but he prefers to show off in front of his audience.
it's basically a matter of FAITH & BELIEF, for those who believe in God, no proof/ explanation is necessary - Rebel
Faith as a basis for belief in a specific god is self-defeating.
Faith and evidence are inversely proportional - the less evidence you have the more faith you require. Religions make a virtue of faith. On this basis a christian cannot criticise any other faith position.
How can a christian theist assert that Mormonism or JWs or Islam or Scientology are wrong? They can assert that the evidence does not support Scientology but that only means that Scientology requires more faith than christianity and faith is a virtue therefore Scientology wins.
For those that don't believe in God, no proof/explanation is not a satisfactory answer
That is simply not true. It's a cop-out favoured by failed apologists.
I used to believe passionately. I was eventually led by evidence to reject faith. Being rational means that your beliefs should be in proportion to the evidence. If there is evidence for god that I have missed I want to know. I don't want to be wrong any longer than necessary.